

The quarry role allows you to direct storage provisioning operations to a diverse group of providers using a uniform playbook interface. For example, you could configure two storage targets where one is a ceph cluster and the other is a NetApp Data ONTap cluster. You could then provision volumes on both targets starting from a common playbook and changing only the desired target and the create parameters. This is useful abstraction that can help integrate provisioning support into applications or to simplify administration of heterogeneous infrastructure.

In order to use this role effectively you must first understand its concepts of operations, backends, and targets. Operations represent the work you want to perform. Backends describe the kinds of storage that can be controlled. Finally, targets represent specific instances of a backend. Examples of operations are: create_volume and delete_volume. Examples of backends are: ceph, NetApp Data ONTap and EMC XtremIO. Examples of targets are: My personal ceph cluster called TheVault and The NetApp cluster in the Pittsburgh office.

Quarry comes with support for the following operations:

  • create_volume: Create a new volume
  • delete_volume: Delete a volume
  • create_snapshot: Take a snapshot from a volume
  • delete_snapshot: Delete a snapshot
  • initialize_connection: Attach a volume to a host
  • terminate_connection: Detach a volume from a host

The following backends are supported (more are planned):

  • rbd: Ceph block storage
  • netapp: NetApp DataONTap
  • xtremio: EMC XtremIO


  • Tested with Ansible >= 2.3.0 but may also work with older versions.
  • Depends on the aglitke.prism role


To configure the targets, create a directory to store the target definition files. The default location is /etc/prism/targets. For each target, create a configuration file <target>.yml. See the doc/ directory in this role for annotated example target configuration files for each supported backend.

Generating a playbook

The following playbook can be used to generate a playbook that will create a volume using a configured 'TheVault' target:

# Generate the playbook using the local machine
- hosts: localhost
    - aglitke.quarry

    # Optional: override if not using the default
    target_definitions_dir: /etc/prism/targets

    # Set the name of the output playbook.  If this variable is omitted, no
    # playbook will be generated.
    generated_playbook: /tmp/quarry-playbook.yml

    # Choose a target for this operation
    target: TheVault

    # Select the operation
    operation: create_volume
      id: 8dd83a83-5b64-40b6-a2e7-0eb5201fdcb8
      size: 1

This generates a playbook in /tmp/quarry-playbook.yml which can be executed with ansible-playbook to perform the action:

- hosts: thevault.example.com
  remote_user: ceph_admin

  - quarry

  - name: Create a volume
      backend: rbd
      config: {u'log': u'/tmp/quarry.log', u'rbd_cluster_name': u'TheVault', u'rbd_secret_uuid': u'a735a6a3-a8bf-4e85-a615-a67bcab23785', u'rbd_ceph_conf': u'/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', u'rbd_pool': u'volumes', u'rbd_user': u'admin'}
      state: present
      id: 8dd83a83-5b64-40b6-a2e7-0eb5201fdcb8
      size: 1

To switch to a different target you only need to change one line and the generated playbook would be configured to use the target's configuration and the correct ansible modules to create a volume on the new target's backend.

target: pittsburghNetapp



Author Information

Written by Adam Litke - alitke@redhat.com


Target storage provisioning operations to heterogeneous targets

ansible-galaxy install aglitke/prism-quarry
GitHub repository