To provide a method to painlessly migrate Satellite 5 clients to Satellite 6 by making use of Ansible. This role also provides for the initial registration of clients to Satellite6 or for re-registration of clients from an existing Satellite6 server. The role ensures all RHN (Satellite5) specific components are removed as part of the process.
Please see the Dependencies
Section of this documentation to ensure you meet all requirements
Please note that when calling this Role, you should have collected facts first
Role Variables
The following variables are set in the role's defaults/main.yml
Variable Name | Required | Description | Default Value | Variable Type |
sat6_server | yes | FQDN of the "master" Satellite6 server (i.e. where content synchronizes to from Red Hat CDN). This cannot be a Capsule server, as we require access to the Satellite6 API. | "" | string |
sat6_capsule | no | If you require your clients to register to a Capsule server, this will be the FQDN of the Satellite6 capsule server to register to. If not provided, this will default to sat6_server when not provided (i.e. clients will register to the sat6_server ). |
N/A | string |
sat6_user | yes | Username of a Satellite 6 user that has permissions to create hosts, usually an admin user. | "" | string |
sat6_pass | yes | Password of the sat6_user that has permissions to create hosts, usually an admin user. |
"" | string |
sat6_organization | yes | Organization to register the host in on the Satellite6 server. This should be the Organization label found in Satellite 6. | "" | string |
sat6_activation_key | yes | Activation key to use when registering the host with Satellite6. | "" | string |
sat6_location | no | Name of the location to register the host with in Satellite6. | "" | string |
sat6_enable_repos | no | List of repositories to enable after Satellite6. registration is complete. | [] | list |
sat6_remote_execution | no | Place a file named [sat6_server]-id_rsa_foreman_proxy.pub in this role's files directory. You can retrieve this file from your Satellite6 server. Please note that the filename prefix should match your Satellite6 or Capsule server name set with the sat6_server or sat6_capsule variable |
False | boolean |
sat6_remote_execution_user | no | User account to install the Satellite6 remote execution key for. | "root" | string |
sat6_remote_execution_auth_key_path | no | Path to your authorized keys file if it is not /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys . |
"" | string |
sat6_puppet | no | Whether or not to perform Puppet installation and configuration. | False | boolean |
sat6_puppet_environment | no | Puppet environment to configure the client's puppet agent with. | "production" | string |
sat6_force_puppet | no | Whether or not to force an uninstall and cleanup of a client's puppet agent and configuration. | False | boolean |
sat6_update_client | no | Whether or not to fully update (patch) the client being registered as part of the process. | False | boolean |
sat6_force_katello | no | Whether or not to force the uninstall and cleanup of the client's katello agent components. Set this to True to reregister a host. |
False | boolean |
sat6_https | no | Whether or not to use https when installing the katello-ca-consumer-latest package off of the Satellite6/Capsule server | False | boolean |
sat6_legacy_purge | no | Whether or not to remove the host entry from Satellite 5 during migration. This will be ignored if /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid does not exist at time of execution. |
False | boolean |
sat6_legacy_user | no | Username of the Satellite 5 user that has permissions to remove a host entry. Required if sat6_legacy_purge is set to True . |
"" | string |
sat6_legacy_pass | no | Password of the Satellite 5 user that has access to remove a host entry. Required if sat6_legacy_purge is set to True . |
"" | string |
sat6_rhsm_port | no | Force a non-default Satellite 6 subscription-manager port. See /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf, server section, port key. | "443" | string |
sat6_os_release | no | Configure which operating system release to use. | "" | string |
sat6_host_group | yes | Title of the Host Group to associate with the host | "" | string |
sat6_update_existing | no | Whether or not to update an existing Satellite 6 host (i.e. host exists in Satellite 6 already but want to update something like activation key, host group, or location) to specified parameters. | False | boolean |
The following variables are set in the role's vars/main.yml
file. It's recommended to not change these unless you have a good reason to:
Variable Name | Required | Description | Default Value | Variable Type |
sat6_rhn_tools | no | List of Satellite5 (RHN) components to clean off of a client. | [ "rhn-setup", "rhn-client-tools", "yum-rhn-plugin", "rhnsd", "rhn-check", "rhn-lib", "spacewalk-abrt", "spacewalk-oscap", "osad", "rh--rhui-client", "candlepin-cert-consumer-"] | list |
sat6_puppet_files | no | List of files to ensure are removed from the client when sat6_force_puppet is set. |
["/var/lib/puppet", "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache", "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl"] | list |
sat6_sub_mgr_pkgs | no | List of packages that should be updated post client registration to ensure proper functionality of subscription-manager and its related components | ["yum", "openssl", "python", "subscription-manager", "subscription-manager-migration-*"] | list |
sat6_katello_pkgs | no | List of packages to ensure are removed when sat6_force_katello is set. |
["katello-ca-consumer-*", "katello-agent", "gofer", "katello-host-tools", "katello-host-tools-fact-plugin"] | list |
As of release 1.0.3 this Role requires the ahuffman.sat6_create_hosts Role. This dependency is due to adding the feature to be able to specify a host location (sat6_location
) and Host Group (sat6_host_group
) during migration.
To install the required Role, ansible-galaxy install ahuffman.sat6_create_hosts
With Ansible Tower/AWX this dependency could be specified in requirements.yml
to avoid pre-installation.
Example Playbook
- hosts: "servers"
- "vars/secrets.yml"
- role: "ahuffman.satellite6_bootstrap"
sat6_server: "mysat6.foo.bar"
sat6_user: "mysat6user"
sat6_pass: "{{ sat6_user_pass_from_vault }}"
sat6_legacy_purge: True
sat6_legacy_user: "mysat5user"
sat6_legacy_pass: "{{ sat5_legacy_user_pass_from_vault }}"
sat6_activation_key: "mykey1"
sat6_organization: "myorg1"
sat6_update_existing: True #force existing sat6 host to be updated to what we've specified
sat6_update_client: True #patch the system post registration
- "rhel-7-server-optional-rpms"
sat6_remote_execution: True
sat6_puppet: True
sat6_host_group: "RHEL7/RHEL7-Virtual-Prod"
sat6_location: "Raleigh"
Provides a painless method to migrate clients between Satellite5/Spacewalk and Satellite6/Capsules.
ansible-galaxy install ahuffman.satellite6_bootstrap