Apt source
This role can be used to manage Apt package sources. It supports both regular Debian and Ubuntu's PPA sources. The role provides an easy way to only pick the packages you want to take priority over the ones in the base release via Apt pinning.
python-apt has to be present on the server.
Role Variables
A list of dicts. Only supports a single item for now. The apt source is defined in the item and has the key/value pairs described below.
source: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu {{ansible_lsb.codename}} main
A complete Debian package source string or a ppa name.
url: http://www.dotdeb.org/dotdeb.gpg
id: 89DF5277
A dict containing the URL and ID of the public key associated with the source as accepted by the apt_key module.
- pattern: '*nginx*'
absent: True
filepath: /etc/apt/preferences.d/my_custom_file
A list of patterns for packages that should get the priority defined by apt_source_high_priority. This for making the desired packages the primary candidate for installation by apt. If absent is set, the pin will be removed. The filepath can also be set if the defaults don't work because of overlapping pins for example.
apt_source_source_selector: "release o={{apt_source_release_origin}}"
This is the selector used when pinning packages. The role tries to set reasonable defaults based on the other parameters but set this if needed. For example the varnish repos need this to be set to o=varnish-cache.org while the default value is o=repo.varnish-cache.org. Check with apt-cache policy.
apt_source_state: absent
To remove a package source completely, set this parameter.
apt_source_high_priority: 500
The priority set for packages that are picked from the source with apt_source_packages.
- pattern: "*"
priority: 200
filepath: "{{ apt_source_preferences_dir }}/100_{{ apt_source_preferences_name }}"
The default pin priority set for all packages in the source. You could change this to pin them all to a different priority.
Example Playbook
- hosts: servers
- role: ajsalminen.apt_source
- source: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu {{ansible_lsb.codename}} main
url: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x00A6F0A3C300EE8C
id: C300EE8C
- pattern: '*nginx*'
MIT/Simplified BSD license
Author Information
Role created by Antti J. Salminen in 2014.
ansible-galaxy install ajsalminen.apt_source