
Ansible role for JBoss Fuse/A-MQ with minimal high availability install and configuration

Supporting blog article : https://alainpham.github.io/posts/ansible-automation-for-highly-available-jboss-fuse-amq-integration-platform/

What this ansible role does

This ansible role allows to quickly install, configure and start a small Integration Platform with JBoss Fuse and Active-MQ. This architecture is suitable to mosts uses cases out there who want to start building an Integration Platform. It allows to

  • ensure high availability with quick a quick fail-over mechanism
  • load balancing among active nodes
  • start small with the possibility to scale up indefinitely when needed


The example playbook in the test folder shows how to use this role to setup the following minimal Highly Available Fuse/AMQ cluster:

  • 2 machines with Active JBoss Fuse installed
  • 2 machines with A-MQ installed:
    • 2 networked master/slave couples
    • the masters share their storage with their slave instances

How to use it

A complete playbook example can be found in the test folder.

  • Download JBoss Fuse and/or AMQ packages and place them into the folder "distrib"
  • Change inventory,group_vars and host_vars to your environment
  • Run your ansible playbook

Install and start JBoss Fuse and Active-MQ in a High Availability configuration

ansible-galaxy install alainpham/ansible-role-jboss-fuse-amq-ha
GitHub repository
I'm a Principal Solutions Engineer at Grafana Labs