

Deprecation Warning

This role is not maintained anymore!

Ansible Role - iRedMail

Role to deploy iRedMail mail servers.

Ansible Galaxy Ansible Galaxy Downloads


  • Debian 11

Source Notes

First: I personally prefer other projects like MailCow as the upgrade-process is easier and there is a bigger community.

You can find the OpenSource Repository to the software here: REPO

The installation script used by the repository is installing and configuring MANY dependencies.

Therefore, I cannot make the installation transparent without porting the whole script to Ansible.

As I currently have not got the time to do so - I analyzed the outcome of the script to make it somewhat transparent.

You can see the changes in Systemd, packages and files in this document: Transparency


ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.sw_iredmail

# or to custom role-path
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy.sw_iredmail --roles-path ./roles

# install dependencies
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


See: Prerequisites


  • Package installation

    • Ansible dependencies (minimal)
    • MariaDB => using THIS Role
    • Nginx => using THIS Role
    • iRedMail Setup Script
      • Postfix (mail sender/receiver)
      • Dovecot (mail storage/client communication)
      • Amavisd (middleware for virus scanning and sender verification [spf/dkim])
      • ClamAV (virus scanner)
      • SpamAssassin (spam scanner)
      • iRedAPD (Postfix policy server)
      • mlmmj (Mailing list management)
      • mlmmjadmin (Mailing list Rest-API)
      • PHP
      • See 'Default opt-ins'
      • See 'Default opt-outs'
  • Configuration

    • Default config:

      • Data directory: '/var/vmail'
      • Admin user: admin@DOMAIN.TLD
      • Script directory: '/usr/local/sbin/iredmail' (for managing aliases, dkim keys, ...)
    • Default opt-ins:

    • Default opt-outs:

      • Package installation
      • NFTables firewall management


  • Info: Consider using a Mail Gateway to gain Security!

    Per example: Proxmox Mail Gateway

  • Note: this role currently only supports debian-based systems

  • Note: Most of the role's functionality can be opted in or out.

    For all available options - see the default-config located in the main defaults-file!

  • Warning: Not every setting/variable you provide will be checked for validity. Bad config might break the role!

  • Note: After the installation, a configuration dump-file is created!

    In this file you can find the credentials and useful information to the services.

    It can be found at:

    • the controller: /tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}_iRedMail.tips
    • the target system: /var/log/iredadmin/iRedMail.tips
  • Warning: If 'postscreen' is enabled (default) - mail clients need to connect via port 587 instead of 25!

  • Info: If you want to use mail clients with this server - follow this nice documentation of iRedMail: LINK

  • Info: The installation script's output is saved to '/var/log/iredmail/install_stdout.log'.

    Other logs that are helpful for troubleshooting can also be found there.

  • Info: You can modify many settings (exports) of the installation script.

    Not all make sense or are safe to be changed. => BE WARNED.

    1. You are able to override any basic global variable shown in 'core' or 'global' - using the 'iredmail.overrides.settings' dictionary. (this is supported by the script)
    2. You can change config inside any file in the 'conf' directory - using the 'iredmail.overrides.conf' dictionary. (this is NOT SUPPORTED by the script)
  • Info: You can only configure one domain as further domains can be configured using the iRedAdmin web interface.

    It can be found at: https://SRV.DOMAIN.TLD/iredadmin (credentials in setup TIPS)

  • Info: More advanced configuration like 'aliases' and 'forwarding rules' are not configurable using the web-interface - unless you upgrade to iRedAdmin PRO.

    Therefore, I created some useful scripts to make their management easier.

    You can find them at: '/usr/local/sbin/iredmail'



Define the config as needed:

  fqdn: 'srv.template.ansibleguy.net'
  # per example: 'srv.template.ansibleguy.net' must be a valid, public dns-hostname of the server

    sogo: true  # install SOGo component

  nginx:  # configure the webserver settings => see: https://github.com/ansibleguy/infra_nginx
    aliases: ['mail.template.ansibleguy.net']  # additional domains to add to the certificate
      mode: 'letsencrypt'  # or selfsigned/ca
      #  if you use 'selfsigned' or 'ca':
      #    cert:
      #      cn: 'iRedMail Server'
      #      org: 'AnsibleGuy'
      #      email: '[email protected]'
      email: '[email protected]'

Bare minimum example:

  fqdn: 'srv.template.ansibleguy.net'


Run the playbook:

ansible-playbook -K -D -i inventory/hosts.yml playbook.yml

There are also some useful tags available:

  • database
  • config
  • base
ansible-galaxy install ansibleguy/sw_iredmail
GitHub repository
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