
docker (Ansible Role)



Installs and configures Docker.


The role was developed and tested with the following Ansible versions.

Name Version
ansible >= 2.9.13
ansible-base >= 2.10.1
ansible-core >= 2.11.2


The role was tested on the following distributions and releases.

Name Version
Ubuntu jammy


ansible-galaxy install averagebit.docker will install the latest stable release.

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml will install the role from a requirements file.

# requirements.yml
  - name: averagebit.docker
    version: 1.0.0


  • docker_edition
    • Default: "ce"
    • Description: The available editions as of the moment of writing are ce (Community Edition) and ee (Enterprise Edition).
  • docker_packages
    • Default: ["docker-{{ docker_edition }}", "docker-{{ docker_edition }}-cli", "{{ docker-{{ docker_edition }}-rootless-extras", ""]
    • Description: The Docker packages.
  • docker_packages_state
    • Default: "present"
    • Description: Whether the docker_packages should be "present" on or "absent" from the system.
  • docker_compose_install
    • Default: false
    • Description: Whether to install Docker Compose.
  • docker_compose_packages
    • Default: ["docker-compose-plugin"]
    • Description: The Docker Compose packages.
  • docker_compose_packages_state
    • Default: "present"
    • Description: Whether the docker_compose_packages should be "present" on or "absent" from the system.
  • docker_architecture_map
    • Default: {"aarch": "arm64", "aarch64": "arm64", "amd64": "amd64", "x86_64": "amd64", "armhf": "armhf", "armv7l": "armhf", "s390x": "s390x"}
    • Description: Used by the docker_apt_architecture variable to assign the correct architecture name based on the Docker repository naming conventions.
  • docker_debian_old_versions
    • Default: ["docker", "docker-engine", "", "containerd", "runc"]
    • Description: Old Docker packages which will be removed from the system.
  • docker_redhat_old_versions
    • Default: ["docker", "docker-client", "docker-client-latest", "docker-common", "docker-latest", "docker-latest-logrotate", "docker-logrotate", "docker-selinux", "docker-engine-selinux", "docker-engine"]
    • Description: Old Docker packages which will be removed from the system.
  • docker_debian_dependencies
    • Default: ["ca-certificates", "curl", "gnupg", "lsb-release"]
    • Description: Docker Debian dependencies.
  • docker_debian_dependencies_state
    • Default: "present"
    • Description: Whether the docker_debian_dependencies should be "present" on or "absent" from the system.
  • docker_repo_url
    • Default: ""
    • Description: The Docker repository URL.
  • docker_apt_architecture
    • Default: "docker_architecture_map[ansible_architecture]"
    • Description: Assigns the correct architecture name based on the Docker repository naming conventions.
  • docker_apt_channel
    • Default: "stable"
    • Description: As of writing the available channels are "stable" and "nightly".
  • docker_apt_key_id
    • Default: "9DC858229FC7DD38854AE2D88D81803C0EBFCD88"
    • Description: The Docker GPG key fingerprint, in case it has changed the new one can be obtained via curl -fsSL | gpg.
  • docker_apt_key_url
    • Default: "{{ docker_repo_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}/gpg"
    • Description: The Docker GPG key URL.
  • docker_apt_key_state
    • Default: "present"
    • Description: Whether the Docker GPG key should be "present" on or "absent" from the system.
  • docker_apt_repo
    • Default: "deb [arch={{ docker_apt_architecture }}] {{ docker_repo_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} {{ docker_apt_channel }}"
    • Description: The Docker apt repository.
  • docker_apt_repo_state
    • Default: "present"
    • Description: Whether the docker_apt_repo should be "present" on or "absent" from the system.
  • docker_dnf_repo_url
    • Default: "{{ docker_repo_url }}/{{ (ansible_distribution == 'Fedora') | ternary('fedora','centos') }}/docker-{{ docker_edition }}.repo"
    • Description: The Docker apt repository.
  • docker_dnf_key_url
    • Default: "{{ docker_repo_url }}/centos/gpg"
    • Description: The Docker GPG key URL.
  • docker_dnf_key_state
    • Default: "present"
    • Description: Whether the Docker GPG key should be "present" on or "absent" from the system.
  • docker_service_manage
    • Default: true
    • Description: Whether to run the handlers responsible for managing the state of the service at the end of all tasks.
  • docker_service_state_running
    • Default: "started"
    • Description: Whether the Docker service should be "started" or "stopped".
  • docker_service_state_enabled
    • Default: true
    • Description: Whether the Docker system service should start on boot.
  • docker_config
    • Default: {}
    • Description: A dict of Docker configuration options.
  • docker_config_mode
    • Default: 0644
    • Description: The permissions with which the /etc/docker/daemon.js file will be created.
  • docker_users
    • Default: []
    • Description: The users which should be added to the docker group.


# playbook.yml
- hosts: servers
    - role: averagebit.docker
      become: true # required unless specified at the playbooks' top level
      tags: docker # (optional) convenience tag
    docker_compose_install: true
    docker_users: ["foo"]
        - base:
          size: 24

Copyright 2022 averagebit <[email protected]>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Installs and configures Docker.

ansible-galaxy install averagebit/ansible-role-docker
GitHub repository