

Role to install nut client to monitor a remote nut-server for local-server Also install this script as dependance :

Role dependancies

No need dependancies anymore

Role Variables

The role can work as it with the default configuration.


  • notifynut_method can be [mail|pushbullet|telegram|pushover|sms] (default mail)
  • notifynut_mailto mail adresse or alias to send notification (default root)
  • nut_mode can be [netclient|netserver] netserver is for the server that is attached to UPS by USB for IP card (default netclient)
  • nut_type can be [slave|master]. Master when the server is attached to UPS by USB. Slave when the server need to connect to another server (default master)
  • nut_ups_name your ups name
  • nut_ups_ip your ups server ip
  • nut_ups_port nut port (default 3493)
  • nut_user nut user to monitor the ups
  • nut_password nut password to monitor the ups



  • notifynut_logfile (default /var/log/nutNotify/nutNotify.log)
  • notifynut_flagfile (default /var/log/nutNotify/nutShutdown.flag)
  • notifynut_curlBin (default /usr/bin/curl)
  • notifynut_mailBin (default /usr/bin/mail)
  • notifynut_subjectDefault Suject use by all methods if not override (default "$HOSTNAME UPS event $argument on $ups@$server !")
  • notifynut_bodyDefault Message use by all methods if not override (default "UPS event $argument on $ups at $(date +'%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S')")

Need one method at least

  • notifynut_mailfrom Mail sender
  • notifynut_mailto Mail recipient
  • notifynut_sms_provider Betamax/Dellmont provider with sms API like
  • notifynut_sms_username Username
  • notifynut_sms_password Password
  • notifynut_sms_number GSM number international format +32xxxxxxxx
  • notifynut_pushbullet_accessToken Pushbullet token like o.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • notifynut_pushbullet_providerApi Provider API (default "")
  • notifynut_pushbullet_subject Short subject for pushbullet (default "UPS event $argument")
  • notifynut_telegram_accessToken Telegram token
  • notifynut_telegram_chatID Telegram chat ID
  • notifynut_telegram_providerApi Telegram API to change if you use your own server (default "")
  • notifynut_telegram_subject Short subject for pushbullet (default "UPS event $argument")
  • notifynut_pushover_appToken Pushover Application token
  • notifynut_pushover_userkey Pushover User key
  • notifynut_pushover_providerApi Provider API (default "")
  • notifynut_pushover_subject Short subject for pushover (default "UPS event $argument")

Doing different notification method in case of event

  • notifynut_method_online one method or a list of method in this format (telegram mail) (default same value of $methodDefault)
  • notifynut_method_onbatt idem
  • notifynut_method_lowbatt idem
  • notifynut_method_fsd idem
  • notifynut_method_shutdown idem
  • notifynut_method_comm idem
  • notifynut_method_serveronline idem

Example Playbook

For clients

- hosts: [homeservers]
  remote_user: root
    - role: basic
    - role: nut-client
        nut_mode: netclient
        nut_type: slave
        notifynut_method: pushbullet
        notifynut_pushbullet_accessToken: o.xxxxx
        #if you don't want notification from clients i.e.
        notifynut_method: none
        notifynut_method_comm: telegram
        notifynut_method_serveronline: mail

For the ups server :

- hosts: [upsserver]
  remote_user: root
    - role: basic
    - role: nut-client
        nut_mode: netserver
        notifynut_method: telegram
        notifynut_mailfrom: "NUT $HOSTNAME <[email protected]>"
        notifynut_mailto: "[email protected]"
        notifynut_telegram_accessToken: xxx
        notifynut_telegram_chatID: xxx
        # all notifications for the server and special for online i.e.
        notifynut_method: telegram
        notifynut_method_online: (telegram mail)


GPL v3

Author Information

Belgotux MonLinux

See this article about nut UPS notifications for more informations (in french)


Role to install nut client to monitor a remote nut-server

ansible-galaxy install belgotux/ansible-role-nut-client
GitHub repository