
Centos ECS Agent Ansible Role

This role allow configuration of ECS container agent on vanilla CentOS 7 hosts.


  • Ansible 2.2+
  • Tested on CentOS 7.4.1708

Role Variables

For more information see :

  • ecs_agent_loglevel: ECS_LOGLEVEL (Default: info)
  • ecs_agent_cluster_name: ECS_CLUSTER (Default: default)
  • ecs_agent_enable_iam_role: ECS_ENABLE_TASK_IAM_ROLE (Default: true)
  • ecs_agent_enable_task_iam_role_network_host: ECS_ENABLE_TASK_IAM_ROLE_NETWORK_HOST (Default: true)
  • ecs_agent_reserved_ports: ECS_RESERVED_PORTS (Default: "[22, 2375, 2376, 51678]")
  • ecs_agent_container_stop_timeout: ECS_CONTAINER_STOP_TIMEOUT (Default: 30s)
  • ecs_agent_auth_type: ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_TYPE (Default: "")
  • ecs_agent_auth_data: ECS_ENGINE_AUTH_DATA (Default: "")
  • ecs_agent_data_dir: ECS_DATADIR (Default: "/data")
  • ecs_agent_log_file: ECS_LOGFILE (Default: "/log/ecs_agent.log")


Docker need to be installed and running.

See :


This role sets up the AWS ECS agent as recommended in the documentation, including adding iptables rules. However, bear in mind that this role will not handle saving the iptables rules for you (via iptables-save or other means). If you wish to save iptables rules to disk so they will survive a reboot and be present without an additional Ansible run, you should handle that outside of this role.

Example Playbook

- name: AWS ECS Agent Playbook
  hosts: all
  become: yes
    - ecs_agent_cluster_name: MyClusterName
    - ansible-role-ecs-agent

To improve in next version

ECS_ENGINE_TASK_CLEANUP_WAIT_DURATION This variable specifies the time to wait before removing any containers that belong to stopped tasks. The image cleanup process cannot delete an image as long as there is a container that references it. After images are not referenced by any containers (either stopped or running), then the image becomes a candidate for cleanup. By default, this parameter is set to 3 hours but you can reduce this period to as low as 1 minute, if you need to for your application.

ECS_DISABLE_IMAGE_CLEANUP If you set this variable to true, then automated image cleanup is disabled on your container instance and no images are automatically removed.

ECS_IMAGE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL This variable specifies how frequently the automated image cleanup process should check for images to delete. The default is every 30 minutes but you can reduce this period to as low as 10 minutes to remove images more frequently.

ECS_IMAGE_MINIMUM_CLEANUP_AGE This variable specifies the minimum amount of time between when an image was pulled and when it may become a candidate for removal. This is used to prevent cleaning up images that have just been pulled. The default is 1 hour.

ECS_NUM_IMAGES_DELETE_PER_CYCLE This variable specifies how many images may be removed during a single cleanup cycle. The default is 5 and the minimum is 1.


Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

ansible-galaxy install bitintheskud/ansible-role-ecs-agent
GitHub repository