Role Name
Builds out a fully functional PXE/TFTP Server for OS deployments.. (Ubuntu included using Netboot) Pre-Seed file template included and ESXi scripted install ready.
If ESXi scripted installs are needed you MUST upload the appropriate ISO's
to /var/lib/tftpboot/images and configure them in defaults/main.yml
- file: VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.0.0.update01-3029758.x86_64.iso
folder: ESXi/6.0U1
Role Variables
# defaults file for ansible-tftpserver
- 'ESXi_boot'
- 'images'
- 'KS'
tftpserver_apache_root: '/var/www/html'
tftpserver_apt_cacher_server: 'apt-cache.{{ tftpserver_domain_name }}'
# Defines the mirror directory of webserver if using local apt repo mirror
# (apt-mirror) server.
tftpserver_apt_mirror_dir: '/ubuntu'
tftpserver_apt_mirror_server: 'apt-mirror.{{ tftpserver_domain_name }}'
# Define your local apt repo mirror (apt-mirror) server if you are using one.
tftpserver_bind_address: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}'
# Menu_default has been disabled to allow boot from local HD by default
- label: 'local'
menu_label: '^Boot from hard drive'
menu_default: true
localboot: true
# - label: 'install'
# menu_label: Install
# menu_default: false
# kernel: 'ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'
# append: 'vga=788 initrd=ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz -- quiet'
# - label: 'cli'
# menu_label: 'Command-line install'
# menu_default: false
# kernel: 'ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'
# append: 'tasks=standard pkgsel/language-pack-patterns= pkgsel/install-language-support=false vga=788 initrd=ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz -- quiet'
# - label: 'auto-install Ubuntu Netboot (Latest)'
# menu_label: 'Automated install Ubuntu (Latest)'
# menu_default: false
# kernel: 'ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'
# append: 'auto=true priority=critical vga=788 initrd=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto url=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/preseed.cfg'
# - label: 'CentOS 7 (Manual)'
# menu_label: 'CentOS 7 (Manual)'
# menu_default: false
# kernel: 'images/CentOS/7/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz'
# append: 'auto=true priority=critical vga=normal initrd=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/CentOS/7/images/pxeboot/initrd.img ip=dhcp inst.repo=http://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/CentOS/7'
# - label: 'Ubuntu 12.04.5 (Manual)'
# menu_label: 'Install Ubuntu 12.04.5 (Manual)'
# menu_default: false
# kernel: 'images/Ubuntu/12.04/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'
# append: 'auto=true priority=critical vga=788 initrd=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/12.04/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto live-installer/net-image=http://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/12.04/install/filesystem.squashfs'
# - label: 'Ubuntu 12.04.5 (Pre-Seed)'
# menu_label: 'Install Ubuntu 12.04.5 (Pre-Seed)'
# menu_default: false
# kernel: 'images/Ubuntu/12.04/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'
# append: 'auto=true priority=critical vga=788 initrd=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/12.04/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto url=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/ubuntu_12.04_preseed.cfg live-installer/net-image=http://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/12.04/install/filesystem.squashfs'
# - label: 'Ubuntu 14.04.2 (Manual)'
# menu_label: 'Install Ubuntu 14.04.2 (Manual)'
# menu_default: false
# kernel: 'images/Ubuntu/14.04/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'
# append: 'auto=true priority=critical vga=788 initrd=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/14.04/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto live-installer/net-image=http://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/14.04/install/filesystem.squashfs'
- label: 'Ubuntu 14.04.5 (Pre-Seed)'
menu_label: 'Install Ubuntu 14.04.5 (Pre-Seed)'
menu_default: false
kernel: 'images/Ubuntu/14.04.5/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'
append: 'auto=true priority=critical vga=788 initrd=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/14.04.5/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto url=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/ubuntu_14.04.5_preseed.cfg live-installer/net-image=http://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/14.04.5/install/filesystem.squashfs'
- label: 'Ubuntu 16.04.1 (Pre-Seed)'
menu_label: 'Install Ubuntu 16.04.1 (Pre-Seed)'
menu_default: false
kernel: 'images/Ubuntu/16.04.1/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux'
append: 'auto=true priority=critical vga=788 initrd=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/16.04.1/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz locale=en_US.UTF-8 kbd-chooser/method=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto url=tftp://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/ubuntu_16.04.1_preseed.cfg live-installer/net-image=http://{{ tftpserver_bind_address }}/images/Ubuntu/16.04.1/install/filesystem.squashfs'
# Defines if images folder(s) and isos should be added
tftpserver_build_images: true
# Defines if tftp services should be configured
tftpserver_config_tftp: true
tftpserver_domain_name: ''
# Defines if apt-cacher-ng is setup and added to preseed.cfg
tftpserver_enable_apt_caching: false
# Defines if using a local mirror (apt-mirror) and configures preseed.cfg
# as such. Do not use both apt_caching and apt_mirror...
tftpserver_enable_apt_mirror: false
# Define additional esxli commands to run in order to configure each host
- desc: 'Set default domain lookup name'
command: 'esxcli network ip dns search add --domain={{ tftpserver_domain_name }}'
# - desc: 'Add vmnic3 to vSwitch0'
# command: 'esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add --uplink-name vmnic3 --vswitch-name vSwitch0'
# - desc: 'SATP configurations'
# commands:
# - 'esxcli storage nmp satp set --satp VMW_SATP_SVC --default-psp VMW_PSP_RR'
# - 'esxcli storage nmp satp set --satp VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA --default-psp VMW_PSP_RR'
# Defines if individual kickstart configs should be created
tftpserver_esxi_create_host_kickstart_configs: false
tftpserver_esxi_enable_snmp: false
# Defines if SSH and ESXi shell are to be enabled
tftpserver_esxi_enable_ssh_and_shell: false
# Defines if during TFTP/PXE load of ESXi hosts maintenance mode should be exited.
tftpserver_esxi_exit_maint_mode: false
- bootproto: 'dhcp'
create_default_portgroup: false
interface: 'vmnic0'
tftpserver_esxi_hosts: []
# - name: 'esxi01'
# bootproto: 'dhcp'
# create_default_portgroup: false
# interface: 'vmnic0'
# - name: 'esxi02'
# bootproto: 'static'
# create_default_portgroup: false
# interface: 'vmnic0'
# ip: ''
# netmask: ''
# gateway: ''
# nameservers: ''
# Example options are... install --firstdisk=usb --overwritevmfs --novmfsondisk
# or ... install --firstdisk --overwritevmfs
tftpserver_esxi_install_disk_options: 'install --firstdisk --overwritevmfs'
tftpserver_esxi_install_vibs: false
# Define here or in group_vars/all/accounts (preferred)
tftpserver_esxi_root_pw: 'vmware1'
# Defines if tftpserver_esxi_root_pw has been set to an already encrypted password
tftpserver_esxi_root_pw_encrypted: false
- community: 'PUBLIC'
allowed_from: ''
- 'http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}/ESXi_VIBS/Dell/cross_oem-dell-openmanage-esxi_7.3.0.2.ESXi550-0000.vib'
- 'http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}/ESXi_VIBS/Dell/cross_oem-dell-iSM-esxi_1.0.ESXi550-0000.vib'
- 'http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}/ESXi_VIBS/PernixData/PernixData_bootbank_pernixcore-vSphere5.5.0_1.5.0.2-25498.vib'
- 'CentOS/7'
# - 'ESXi/5.1'
# - 'ESXi/5.1U1'
# - 'ESXi/5.1U2'
# - 'ESXi/5.5'
# - 'ESXi/5.5U1'
# - 'ESXi/5.5U2'
- 'ESXi/5.5U3'
# - 'ESXi/6.0'
- 'ESXi/6.0U1'
# - 'Ubuntu/12.04'
- 'Ubuntu/14.04'
- 'Ubuntu/16.04'
# Define ISO images to download
tftpserver_iso_images: []
# - url: ''
# file: 'CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1503-01.iso'
# folder: 'CentOS/7'
# - url: ''
# file: 'ubuntu-12.04.5-server-amd64.iso'
# folder: 'Ubuntu/12.04'
# - url: ''
# file: 'ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso'
# folder: 'Ubuntu/14.04'
- url: ''
file: 'ubuntu-14.04.5-server-amd64.iso'
folder: 'Ubuntu/14.04.5'
- url: ''
file: 'ubuntu-16.04.1-server-amd64.iso'
folder: 'Ubuntu/16.04.1'
tftpserver_netboot_file: 'netboot.tar.gz'
tftpserver_netboot_url: ''
# Defines if custom partitioning is required
tftpserver_preseed_expert_recipe_partitioning: false
# Define the partitions to create during pre-seed
- name: 'boot'
mountpoint: '/boot'
bootable: true
filesystem: 'ext4'
# This is an example only for /boot do not assign an lv_name for boot
# .boot will not be part of LVM.
# lv_name: boot
max_size: '1000'
method: 'format'
min_size: '500'
priority: '50'
use_filesystem: true
- name: 'swap'
# mountpoint: #not needed for swap
# bootable: false #not needed for swap.
filesystem: 'linux-swap'
# Defines the LVM name to use if
# tftpserver_preseed_partitioning_method: lvm and
# tftpserver_preseed_expert_recipe_partitioning: true
lv_name: 'swap'
max_size: '2048'
method: 'swap'
min_size: '500'
priority: '512'
# use_filesystem: true
- name: 'root'
mountpoint: '/'
# bootable: false #not needed for root
filesystem: 'ext4'
# Defines the LVM name to use if
# tftpserver_preseed_partitioning_method: lvm and
# tftpserver_preseed_expert_recipe_partitioning: true
lv_name: 'root'
max_size: '10000'
method: 'format'
min_size: '5000'
priority: '10000'
use_filesystem: true
# Defines preseed.cfg to generate
- distro: 'ubuntu'
version: '12.04.5'
- distro: 'ubuntu'
version: '14.04.5'
- distro: 'ubuntu'
version: '16.04.1'
# Define mirror...(
tftpserver_preseed_mirror: '{{ ansible_hostname }}'
# Define mirror...(
tftpserver_preseed_mirror_hostname: '{{ ansible_hostname }}'
# Defines if system clock is synced from NTP during install
tftpserver_preseed_ntp_sync: true
# Define packages to install during pre-seed installation(s)
- 'openssh-server'
# - 'open-vm-tools'
# Defines disk to install to during pre-seed TFTP/PXE install
tftpserver_preseed_partition_disk: '/dev/sda'
# Defines partitioning method....lvm, regular or crypto
tftpserver_preseed_partitioning_method: 'lvm'
# Defines if host should be shutdown after installing
# good for mass PXE deployments when the option to do a one-time boot to
# PXE is not an option.
tftpserver_preseed_poweroff_after_install: false
# To generate passwords use (replace P@55w0rd with new password)
# echo "P@55w0rd" | mkpasswd -s -m sha-512
# Define password as encrypted password and set encrypted_password=true
# Defines if password has been entered as encrypted or not
encrypted_password: false
full_username: 'Ubuntu User'
password: 'ubuntu'
# Defines if password prompt for sudo
sudo_password: true
username: 'ubuntu'
tftpserver_tftpboot_dir: '/var/lib/tftpboot'
tftpserver_vmware_iso_images: []
# - file: VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.0.0.update01-3029758.x86_64.iso
# folder: ESXi/6.0U1
Install the required Ansible roles by running:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Example Playbook
- hosts: all
become: true
dnsmasq_config: true
dnsmasq_dhcp_boot: 'pxelinux.0,{{ inventory_hostname }},{{ dnsmasq_pri_bind_address }}'
- start: ''
end: ''
netmask: ''
- option: 'dns-server'
- ''
# - ''
# - option: 'domain-name'
# value:
# - 'another.{{ dnsmasq_pri_domain_name }}'
- option: 'domain-search'
- 'dev.{{ dnsmasq_pri_domain_name }}'
- 'prod.{{ dnsmasq_pri_domain_name }}'
- 'test.{{ dnsmasq_pri_domain_name }}'
- option: 'ntp-server'
- ''
# - ''
- option: 'router'
- ''
# Defines if DHCP services are provided by DNSMASQ
dnsmasq_enable_dhcp: false
# Defines if TFTP services are provided by DNSMASQ
dnsmasq_enable_tftp: true
dnsmasq_pri_bind_address: '{{ ansible_enp0s8.ipv4.address }}'
dnsmasq_pri_domain_name: '{{ pri_domain_name }}'
etc_hosts_add_all_hosts: true
isc_dhcp_authoritative: true
- subnet: ''
default_lease_time: '{{ isc_dhcp_default_lease_time }}'
max_lease_time: '{{ isc_dhcp_max_lease_time }}'
netmask: ''
# Define scope specific options to configure
- name: 'routers'
value: ''
- name: 'subnet-mask'
value: ''
- name: 'broadcast-address'
value: ''
- name: 'domain-name-servers'
value: '{{ isc_dhcp_name_servers|join (", ") }}'
range: ''
# Defines primary domain name for environment
isc_dhcp_pri_domain_name: '{{ pri_domain_name }}'
# Defines if TFTP/PXE boot options should be enabled
isc_dhcp_enable_pxe_boot: true
# Defines boot file used for pxe boot
isc_dhcp_pxe_boot_file: 'pxelinux.0'
# Defines tftp server to PXE/TFTP from
isc_dhcp_pxe_boot_server: ''
pri_domain_name: 'test.vagrant.local'
tftpserver_bind_address: '{{ ansible_enp0s8.ipv4.address }}'
- role: ansible-etc-hosts
- role: ansible-dnsmasq
- role: ansible-isc-dhcp
- role: ansible-tftpserver
Author Information
Larry Smith Jr.
- @mrlesmithjr
- mrlesmithjr [at]
Builds out a fully functional PXE/TFTP Server for OS deployments.. (Ubuntu included using Netboot) Pre-Seed file template included and ESXi scripted install ready.
ansible-galaxy install borkenpipe/ansible-tftpserver