
Ansible role: Kubernetes Node

This role is used to prepare worker nodes before joniing to new or existing kubernetes cluster.

For now, it does the following:

  • configures kubeadm for join to the cluster
  • do necessary taint(s) on nodes
  • do some best practice hardening by disabling automatic certificate approval in the cluster and removing cluster-info resources to allow only manual node join in the future


This is not strict requirements and it may not work with other versions than tested ones. Anyway. feel free to test by yourself, suggest addition of new functionality and contribute.

Role is tested with:

  • Ansible version >= 2.8.6
  • CentOS version >= 7.6 (1803)

Currently supports installation of Kubernetes versions 1.14.1-1.15.10.

"caermeglaeddyv.ansible_role_prepare_k8s_cluster" and "caermeglaeddyv.ansible_role_k8s_control_plane" roles which must be run manually before this one

Kubectl is required on localhost to do management of remote cluster after initialization.

VIP address for api-server must be added to your dns or hosts file with same name as used for cluster initiation ("kubernetes_apiserver_host" variable ), if name used instead of IP.

Role Variables

Variables and their descriptions copied from defaults/main.yml

# Variable which is common for most projects, used in
# configuration files or file/directory names.
# By default used as reference for kubernetes_project_dir variable:
kubernetes_project_name: test

# Variable which is common for most projects, used as
# project working directory on the localhost for the role.
# Currently is used for copying admin kubeconfig file or making symlink to it,
# to be able to connect to the cluster and perform taints and/or hardening:
kubernetes_project_dir: files/{{ kubernetes_project_name }}

# DNS name or IP address which will be listening for apiserver requests,
# this must equal to virtual IP to work correct in HA setup:
kubernetes_apiserver_host: ""

# Port which will listen for apiserser requests on apiserver host:

# Token which will be used in cluster initialization, so
# other nodes can join the cluster using it:
kubernetes_bootstrap_token: ""          # 123456.abcdefghijklmnop

# List of preflight errors which must be ignored while initializing
# cluster or joining node to existing cluster via kubeadm:
# - NumCPU

# Taints which must be present on nodes:
kubernetes_taints: []
# - node: ""
#   taint: ""

# Disable automatic node join to the cluster:
kubernetes_harden_join: false


"caermeglaeddyv.ansible_role_prepare_k8s_cluster" and "caermeglaeddyv.ansible_role_k8s_control_plane" roles which must be run manually before this one

Kubectl is required on localhost to do management of remote cluster after initialization.

VIP address for api-server must be added to your dns or hosts file with same name as used for cluster initiation ("kubernetes_apiserver_host" variable ), if name used instead of IP.

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  become: no
  - name: Check ansible version >=2.8.6
      msg: Ansible must be v2.8.6 or higher
      - ansible_version.string is version("2.8.6", ">=")
    - check
    ansible_connection: local

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  - import_role:
      name: caermeglaeddyv.ansible_role_prepare_k8s_cluster
  - import_role:
      name: caermeglaeddyv.ansible_role_k8s_control_plane
  - import_role:
      name: caermeglaeddyv.ansible_role_k8s_node

More detailed examples ( inventories, playbooks etc. ) of this and other roles can be found here.

It's highly recommended to start you test deploys from there, especially if you use Google Cloud Platform or VMware vCenter as your infrastructure, for now that repository contains Packer and Terraform examples to build templates and deploy machines on this platforms.


Apache 2.0

Author Information

Copyright 2020 caermeglaeddyv

ansible-galaxy install caermeglaeddyv/ansible-role-k8s_node
GitHub repository