A set of Ansible tasks for deploying PHP applications developed using the Symfony framework (incl. flex) onto *nix servers in a "Capistrano" fashion (releases, shared, current->releases/X).
This role is more or less just a collection of the most common post-installation setup tasks (i.e. getting a Composer executable, installing dependencies and autoloader, perform cache warming, deploy migrations etc). It does not itself deal with setting up the directory structures or getting files onto your servers - that part is handled by the more generic ansistrano-deploy
The way this is implemented is by defining a couple of the ansistrano_(before|after)_X
vars (see the ansistrano docs for details).
Due to shortcomings in the current version of Ansible, it is a requirement that the ansistrano-symfony-deploy
and ansistrano-deploy
share the same parent directory. This will be the normal case so shouldn't be an issue as long as you install via ansible-galaxy
The tasks will probably not work for Windows target hosts (untested).
Role Variables
The defaults
vars declared in this module:
symfony_env: prod
symfony_php_path: php # The PHP executable to use for all command line tasks
symfony_console_path: 'app/console' # If using Symfony 3+ this should be 'bin/console'
symfony_run_composer: true
symfony_composer_path: "{{ ansistrano_deploy_to }}/composer.phar"
symfony_composer_options: '--no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction'
symfony_composer_self_update: true # Always attempt a composer self-update
symfony_composer_version: 1.10.1 # Install specific composer version. If this variable is not set the latest stable version is installed
symfony_run_assets_install: true
symfony_assets_options: '--no-interaction'
symfony_run_assetic_dump: true
symfony_assetic_options: '--no-interaction'
symfony_run_cache_clear_and_warmup: true
symfony_cache_options: ''
symfony_run_doctrine_migrations: false
symfony_doctrine_options: '--no-interaction'
symfony_run_mongodb_schema_update: false
symfony_mongodb_options: ''
This role supports ansistrano like hooks before and after every task
In addition to this, please also refer to the list of variables used by ansistrano.
Note about ORM/ODM schema migrations
Database schema migrations can generally NOT be run in parallel across multiple hosts! For this reason, the symfony_run_doctrine_migrations
and symfony_run_mongodb_schema_update
options both come turned off by default.
In order to get around the parallel exection, you can do the following:
- Specify your own
, perhaps with the one in this project as a template (look in cbrunnkvist.ansistrano-symfony-deploy/config/steps/). - Pick one of the following approaches:
- (a) Organize hosts into groups such that the task will run on only the first host in some group:
when: groups['www-production'][0] == inventory_hostname
- (b) Use the
run_once: true
perhaps withdelegate_to: some_primary_host
(Docs: Playbook delegation)
Installing from the command line via ansible-galaxy install cbrunnkvist.ansistrano-symfony-deploy
should pull down the external role as a dependency, so no extra step neccessary.
Example playbook
As a bare minimum, you probably need to declare the ansistrano_deploy_from
and ansistrano_deploy_to
variables in your play. Ansistrano defaults to using rsync from a local directory (again, see the ansistrano docs).
Let's assume there is a my-app-infrastructure/deploy.yml
- hosts: all
gather_facts: false
ansistrano_deploy_from: ../my-project-checkout
ansistrano_deploy_to: /home/app-user/my-project-deploy/
ansistrano_before_symlink_tasks_file: "{{playbook_dir}}/config/app_specific_setup.yml"
- cbrunnkvist.ansistrano-symfony-deploy
This playbook should be executed like any other, i.e. ansible-playbook -i some_hosts_file deploy.yml
It probably makes sense to keep your one-off system prep tasks in a separate playbook, e.g. my-app-infrastructure/setup.yml
Author Information
- ansistrano-symfony-deploy, written by Conny Brunnkvist cbrunnkvist@gmail.com
- The underlying role is maintained by the
team - Some code was taken from/inspiried by the
role by the Servergrove team
ansible-galaxy install cbrunnkvist.ansistrano-symfony-deploy