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Manage VIPRE Business Antivirus Server on Windows. Backup, restore, install, update and uninstall VIPRE Business, Business Premium or Endpoint Security.

Role Variables

Variables highlighted in bold below are the ones typically used to configure the role; other variables are for advanced usage. The steps in the role always run in the following order:

  • Backup (when vipre_backup is true)
  • Uninstall (when vipre_uninstall is true)
  • Install (when vipre_install is true)
  • Restore (when vipre_restore is true)

Without setting at least one of vipre_backup, vipre_restore, vipre_install or vipre_uninstall to true, the role will only check to see if VIPRE is installed.

Use the following variables to specify the VIPRE product and version to be managed. These variables affect the the install and uninstall steps of this role:

  • vipre_product: VIPRE Business product, should be one of "standard", "premium" or "endpoint", default is "standard".
  • vipre_version: Version of VIPRE Business to install, upgrade or uninstall. Valid values are "latest", "11.0" and "10.0" (for "endpoint" only), "10.1" (for "standard" and "premium"), and "9.6", "9.5" and "9.3" (for any product); default is "latest".
  • vipre_regkey_name: Specify an alternate path component to the VIPRE registry keys, usually only needed for older versions when using a custom vipre_download_url or vipre_product_id. Default is "VIPRE Business".
  • vipre_datadir_name: Specify an alternate path component to the VIPRE data directory, usually only needed for older versions when using a custom vipre_download_url or vipre_product_id. Default is "VIPRE Business".

To backup the VIPRE database (internal SQLite database only, SQL Server is not yet supported), use the the following variables:

  • vipre_backup: Set to true to enable the various backup options below, default is false.
  • vipre_backup_remote: Backup the database to a destination on the remote system, default is true.
  • vipre_backup_remote_path: Remote path to store database backup. Default is "", which uses the full database file with vipre_backup_suffix appended.
  • vipre_backup_local: Backup the database to a destination on the local (controlling) system, default is false.
  • vipre_backup_local_path: Local path to store database backup. Default is "", which uses the current directory (playbook_dir) and database file name with vipre_backup_suffix appended.
  • vipre_backup_suffix: Suffix to append to the database backup filename, default is ansible_date_time.iso8601_basic_short which appends a timestamp.
  • vipre_backup_ini: Backup the VIPRE Site GUID and Registration Code to an INI file alongside the database backup, default is true. The INI filename will be the same as the databas backup filename with .ini appended.

For uninstalls, the following variables may be used:

  • vipre_uninstall: Set to true to uninstall VIPRE business and enable the various uninstall options below, default is false.
  • vipre_uninstall_product: Specify the VIPRE product to uninstall, default is vipre_product}}.
  • vipre_uninstall_version: Specify the VIPRE version to uninstall, default is vipre_version.
  • vipre_uninstall_product_id: Specify an alternate product GUID to uninstall, default is based on vipre_uninstall_product and vipre_uninstall_version.
  • vipre_uninstall_registry: Set to true to remove all of the VIPRE Business registry keys, default is false.
  • vipre_uninstall_data: Set to true to remove all of the VIPRE Business data files (usually in %ProgramData%), default is false.

For installs, the following variables may be used:

  • vipre_install: Set to true to install or upgrade VIPRE Business, default is false. VIPRE will be upgraded when the downloaded version is lower than the installed version.
  • vipre_force_install: Set to true to force installation even if the installed version is less than or equal to the downloaded version, default is false.
  • vipre_download_url: Specify an alternate download URL for the VIPRE installer, default is based on vipre_version and vipre_product.
  • vipre_product_id: Specify the product GUID that will be installed, default is based on vipre_version and vipre_product.

To restore the VIPRE internal SQLite database from a backup, use the following variables:

  • vipre_restore: Set to true to enable the various restore options below.
  • vipre_restore_remote: Restore the database from a backup file on the remote system, default is false. If set to true, vipre_restore_local must be false.
  • vipre_restore_remote_path: Remote path to database file; must be provided if vipre_restore_remote is true.
  • vipre_restore_local: Restore the database from a backup file on the local (controlling) system, default is false. If set to true, vipre_restore_remote must be false.
  • vipre_restore_local_path: Local path to database file; must be provided if vipre_restore_local is true.
  • vipre_restore_site_guid: Specify the value of the Site GUID to restore to the registry; default is "", which doesn't restore the Site GUID.
  • vipre_restore_reg_code: Specify the value of the Registration Code to restore to the registry; default is "", which doesn't restore the Registration Code. This option only updates the registry, so it may be overwritten if the database does not match.
  • vipre_restore_post_install_wizard: Set a registry key indicating the post-install wizard has been run; default is true.

Example Playbook

The following example playbook installs an older version of VIPRE Business Premium in the first invocation of the role, then does a backup and upgrade to the latest version in the second invocation:

- hosts: vipre
    vipre_product: premium
    - role: cchurch.vipre
      vipre_version: 10.1
      vipre_install: true
    - role: cchurch.vipre
      vipre_backup: true
      vipre_install: true



Author Information

Chris Church


Manage VIPRE Business Antivirus Server on Windows.

ansible-galaxy install cchurch/ansible-role-win-vipre
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Python/Django/Ansible, will code for sweet tea and beer.