
Shinobi DB

Build Status

This role will deploy Mariadb, configure it, and create and populate the schema for Shinobi CCTV. Ubuntu 18.04/16.04, CentOS 7 and Archlinux are supported.


This role has no requirements.

Role Variables

The role requires the definition of four variables:

user_mail: "[email protected]"
user_pass: "password"
shinobi_pass: "password"

User related variables (user_mail and user_password) define to the real user on the shinobi frontend. Shinobi variable (shinobi_pass), instead, is the password for database connection of the backend service. The default variables are:

shinobi_user: "shinobi"
dbhash: "md5"
mysql_root: "supersecurerootpassword"

plus a third variable used for random password generation. The shinobi_user variable represent the authorized user with grants on ccio database for shinobi. The dbhash variable is the hashing algorithm for user_pass variable on db, in order to be compliant with the recent update on shinobi platform; the allowed values are:

  • md5
  • sha256
  • sha512

Mariadb root password (defined with mysql_root variable)is the password for the root user. All password variables if are undefined will be generated random (and printed in the ansible log).

Example Playbook

This role could be used defining only user mail, leave as default the hashing algorithm and random generation for all passwords.

- hosts: servers
      - { role: shinobi-db, user_mail: "[email protected]" }

Or you could define your own passwords and select a proper hash algorithm.

- hosts: servers
      - { role: shinobi-db, user_mail: "[email protected]" user_password: "test", shinobi_password: "test", mysql_root: "supersecurerootpassword", dbhash: "sha256" }



Author Information

This role was created in 2018 by Carlo Maiorano as developer for Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria of Alma Mater Studiorum directed and supervisioned by Paolo Bellavista as Group Leader.


Deploy Mariadb and define Shinobi CCTV schemas.

ansible-galaxy install charliemaiors/shinobi-db
GitHub repository