

A role to monitor the expiration of any found certificate on any host.


No requirements.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

  - /etc/pki
  - /etc/ssl
  - /opt

The default paths we are going to check. Will be merged with the _group and _host variable.

certmonitor_include_paths_group: []

Optional addition of paths on a group level.

certmonitor_include_paths_host: []

Optional addition of paths on a host level.

  - '.*\.crt$'
  - '.*\.pem$'

These regex patterns will be checked for filenames. Will be merged with the _group and _host variable.

certmonitor_include_patterns_group: []

Optional addition of patterns on a group level.

certmonitor_include_patterns_host: []

Optional addition of patterns on a host level.

  - '/etc/pki/product-default/.*\.pem$'
  - '/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ca-bundle.trust.crt'
  - '/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/.*\.pem$'
  - '/etc/pki/fwupd.*\.pem$'
  - '/etc/pki/consumer/.*\.pem$'
  - '/etc/pki/entitlement/.*\.pem$'
  - '/etc/pki/nginx/dhparam.pem'
  - '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt'
  - '.*-key\.pem$'
  - '.*\.key\.pem$'

Regex patterns that we will exclude from inspection. Mainly default certificates and private keys. Will be merged with the _group and _host variable.

certmonitor_exclude_patterns_group: []

Optional addition of exclusion patterns on a group level.

certmonitor_exclude_patterns_host: []

Optional addition of exclusion patterns on a host level.

certmonitor_validity_check: "+2w"

The check of the certificates validity specified in weeks from now. By default we use "+2w" to report certificates that expire within the next two weeks.

certmonitor_email_enabled: false

Default email reporting is disabled, set this to true to enable.

certmonitor_email_subject: "Expiring TLS Certificates"

Email subject when sending email reports.

certmonitor_email_subtype: "html"

Setting the email mime type to html. Can also be set to plain. One can modify the template to their choosing to match this.

There are more variables available for the email section. Refer to the last task in the playbook for this. If not existent, these will be omitted, but this gives you the option to include these values in variables, rather than having to edit the playbook.

certmonitor_local_reporting: false

If local reporting is enabled, there will be a file written to the location specified with the name of the certificate subject. Within that file, the file location is written. This can be used by a monitoring system like Zabbix to trigger on the existence of this file and have the file location at hand.

certmonitor_local_reporting_path: /tmp/certmonitor

The location where the files will be written if local reporting is enabled.


For the certificate inspection, this role depends on the community.crypto.x509_certificate_info module.
For email, this role depends on the community.general.mail module.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: Certificate Monitoring
  hosts: all
  become: true

    certmonitor_email_enabled: true
    certmonitor_email_subject: "Expiring TLS Certificates"
    certmonitor_email_sender: "[email protected]"
    certmonitor_email_recipient: "[email protected]"
    certmonitor_smtp_server: "smtp.yourdomain.com"
    certmonitor_smtp_port: 25

     - role: chrisvanmeer.certmonitor



Author Information


Certificate Monitoring

ansible-galaxy install chrisvanmeer/ansible-role-certmonitor
GitHub repository