
gplv3 Maintenance


Archived Repository!

The installation mechanism for okd has been updated with version 4.x. The new installation procedure is similar to the installation procedure for OpenShift. okd is no longer a platform that you can install on a supported operating system. Starting with version 4 it is shipped with it is own operating system - Fedora CoreOS. As the installation of an operating system is not typically covered via ansible we have decided to archive our okd ansible role.

Ansible Role: OKD

An Ansible Role to install okd 3.11 on CentOS based systems via oc cluster up.

Role Variables

okd role depends on geerlingguy.docker role. As such the variable(s) defined in those roles can be used here as well.

okd_adm_user specifies which user should own the docker commands. By default the value is "vagrant".

okd_oc_client_version specifies the okd version for which the client binary gets installed and conesquently the cluster version that derives the version from the client.

okd_public_hostname specifies the public hostname through which okd is reachable. e.g. myhostname results in following URL for the console: https://myhostname:8443/console


required ansible galaxy roles

  • geerlingguy.docker

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  - { role: gepardec.okd, okd_okd_oc_client_version: "v3.11.0-0cbc58b", okd_public_hostname: localhost, okd_adm_user: "admin" }
ansible-galaxy install ckaserer/ansible-role-okd
GitHub repository
Anything related to Containers, CI/CD or general automation is fair game for him - give him a terminal and he is happy.