
Taskserver role

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Deploy a taskwarrior taskserver with optional hourly backups to a borg repository.


An Ubuntu host with Python, Docker and docker-compose installed.

Role Variables

name default value possible values purpose
td__borg_passcommand cat /borgmatic/passphrase any valid sh command run borg without prompting for a passphrase
td__borg_passphrase none, must be defined any string populate the /borgmatic/passphrase file for unattended borg operation
td__borg_url none, must be defined any valid borg url, i.e. [email protected]:myrepo defines the borg repo to use
td__borgmatic_project_src /opt/docker-borgmatic any valid path defines where the borgmatic repo will be cloned
td__cert_bits 4096 any valid GnuTLS bit number used to generate the certificates
td__cert_country none, must be set any string country field in the generated certificates
td__cert_expiration_days 365 any number of days defines how long the certificate will be valid for
td__cert_locality none, must be set any string defines the locality field in the generated certificates
td__cert_organization none, must be set any string defines the organization field in the generated certificates
td__cert_state none, must be set any string defines the state field in the generated certificates
td__enable_backups true boolean whether to enable hourly borg backups
td__fetch_client_files true boolean whether to fetch the new taskserver user certificates and uuid necessary for configuring the taskwarrior client
td__fqdn none, must be set any valid FQDN (must resolve with DNS) sets the container's hostname and is used as the certificates' CN. Must match the FQDN the client uses to connect to the server
td__orgname none, must be set any string defines the taskserver organization
td__project_src /opt/docker-taskd-service any valid path defines where the docker-taskd-service repo will be cloned
td__restore_latest_backup true boolean whether to restore the latest borg backup after installing. NOTE THAT THIS WILL WIPE CLEAN TASKDDATA (i.e. all tasks on server for every user) BEFORE RESTORING
td__service_name value of td__fqdn any string used to name borg backups
td__taskdata_volname docker-taskd-service_taskddata the docker-compose name for the taskddata volume created by docker-taskd-service tells the backup service where to find taskd's data. No need to change unless td__project_src has been changed
td__username user any string username to create in the taskserver

Role files

name purpose
ssh/id_rsa{,.pub} ssh keys to connect to the borg repo (only if td__enable_backups)
ssh/known_hosts ssh fingerprint for borg repo host (only if td__enable_backups)



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
  become: true
    td__fqdn: taskw.example.org
    td__orgname: example org
    td__username: myself
    td__cert_organization: example org
    td__cert_country: CA
    td__cert_state: ON
    td__cert_locality: Toronto
    td__borg_url: [email protected]:tasksrv
    td__borg_passphrase: sup3rs3cure
     - coaxial.taskserver

Once the playbook has run, the client configuration files will be in client_files/, unless td__fetch_client_files was set to false.

Refer to the taskwarrior documentation to configure the client.



Author Information



Setup and backup a taskwarrior taskserver

ansible-galaxy install coaxial/ansible-role-taskserver
GitHub repository