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Install and configure ZNC, an advanced IRC bouncer.

Role Variables

Name Default Possible values Description
znc__port 1888 Any port above 1024 Which port will ZNC be running on
znc__ipv4 Any valid IPv4 Which IPv4 will ZNC listen on
znc__ipv6 ::/0 Any valid IPv6 Which IPv6 will ZNC listen on
znc__admin_username unset, required Any valid IRC nick Used to log in to the webadmin interface
znc__admin_password unset, required Any string, will be hashed to SHA256 in the config file, use an Ansible encrypted variable to store your plaintext password Used to log in to the webadmin interface
znc__admin_nick znc__admin_username Any valid IRC nick Will be that user's nick on the IRC networks
znc__admin_alt_nick znc__admin_username_ Any valid IRC nick Alternative nick if it's not available on the IRC networks
znc__admin_ident znc__admin_username Any valid ident string What to answer ident requests with
znc__admin_realname unset, mandatory Any string What to show as the Real Name on IRC
znc__admin_salt unset, mandatory A random 20 chars string What to salt the password with, pwgen -sy 20 generates such a string from the command line

Adding more users

To add more users beyond the admin user, either use a blockinfile in a playbook, or do it as the admin user through the webadmin/by issuing commands over IRC.

The file to edit is located at /var/lib/znc/configs/znc.conf.

Official documentation to the User configuration: https://wiki.znc.in/Configuration#User

There are too many specifics for configuring users, it would be convoluted and cumbersome to handle every possibility in this role without being very opinionated.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    znc__admin_username: admin
    znc__admin_password: mypassword
    znc__admin_salt: "}T-GmTGu/ck`2B6Pu$g["
    znc__admin_nick: l33t
    znc__admin_realname: h4x0r
    - znc



Author Information

Coaxial (64b.it)


Install and configure [ZNC](https://znc.in), an advanced IRC bouncer.

ansible-galaxy install coaxial/ansible-role-znc
GitHub repository