
Ansible Collection - compositionalenterprises.ourcompose

OurCompose Productivity Suite

This role sets up a VM to host what amounts to a cloud-in-a-box; a combination of various cloud services all hosted in subdirectories of a given domain.


Here is our requirements.txt that we use when we set up the environment for our playbooks to execute in:

- src: nickjj.docker
  name: docker
- src: [email protected]:compositionalenterprises/role-compositional
  scm: git
  version: master
  name: compositional
- src: geerlingguy.certbot
  name: certbot
- src: oefenweb.swapfile
  name: swapfile

This allows for setting up docker, certbot, and a generous swapfile on the server. However, the only obvious requirement is that docker is set up. Additionally, it is not required to be set up externally facing. It is sufficient to just have it running on the server locally.

SSL Certificates

This role assumes that the SSL cert is set up somewhere on the server where docker can mount it as a volume to wherever inside of the proxy container it needs to go. By default:

compositional_nginx_cert_volume: '/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt'
compositional_nginx_cert_fullchain: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ environment_domain }}/fullchain.pem"
compositional_nginx_cert_privkey: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ environment_domain }}/privkey.pem"

Python Libraries

On the remote host, the docker library needs to be installed. This can be done by simply installing it with the default package manager. However, nickjj.docker (above) creates a virtualenv that can be used by passing the ansible python interpreter as an argument to the role:

- role: compositional
  ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/env python3-docker"

Role Variables

This will always be changing and being added to. However, there are a couple categories that are independent of services, and several that are applicable to all of the services:


compositional_database_root_password: 'testpassword'
# The enumeration of the services to be installed.
# You'll probably want to override this with a subset
# of only the services that you want installed.
  - 'bitwarden'
  - 'bookstack'
  - 'commandcenter'
  - 'firefly'
  - 'kanboard'
  - 'nextcloud'
  - 'rundeck'
  - 'wordpress'


# The domain that will be pointing to the server's IP
environment_domain: ''


All of the services have variables with the prefix: compositional_<service name>_.


There are several variables that are typical of all of the services using that prefix. These are all directly associated with their related docker_compose ansible module options:

There are two others that are specific to this role:

  • version: The container image tag version to pull
  • storage: Whether this should go under local or remote storage. Note that remote storage is simply a directly under /srv that is meant to be mounted to an external volume of some kind, but is otherwise functionally the same as local.

Database Backend Services

All services that have a database backend (which is most of them) have a variable to set the password for the account that will be created in that database for them to use. THIS IS INSECURE BY DEFAULT AND SHOULD BE OVERRIDDEN FOR INSTANCES DEPLOYED IN PRODUCTION. They come in the form of compositional_<service name>_backend_password.

Bind Mountpoints

These mountpoints will be able to be set up on any service to be able to bind-mount static assets into the frontend proxy in order to avoid contacting backend servers and speed up the transmission of the assets. They come in the form of compositional_< service >_bind_mountpoints.

This variable is in the following format:

  - {location: '/firefly/v1/css/', directory: '/var/www/firefly-iii/public/v1/css'}
  - {location: '/firefly/v1/fonts/', directory: '/var/www/firefly-iii/public/v1/fonts'}
  - {location: '/firefly/v1/images/', directory: '/var/www/firefly-iii/public/v1/images'}
  - {location: '/firefly/v1/js/', directory: '/var/www/firefly-iii/public/v1/js'}
  - {location: '/firefly/v1/lib/', directory: '/var/www/firefly-iii/public/v1/lib'}

So this is a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries have the keys location, and directory. The location is the subdomain path that should be intercepted and redirected to the local bindmount. The directory key is the location within the image where the assets are location. Alternatively, if the path in the directory key starts with /srv, the role will look at the host's /srv directory for that location, rather than inside the image.

NOTE: This is hard-coded right now. If it becomes an issue, we can make the /srv location a variable, but for now all directory keys that point to /srv are expected to be on the host.

Domain Redirects

Any site that has its DNS pointing to an instance can have an alternate DNS entry redirected. This comes in the form of:

  - {domain: '', redirect: '', cert: 'live/'}
  - {domain: '', redirect: '', cert: 'live/'}
compositional_domain_redirects: []

If there is no cert, the HTTPS requests will NOT be able to be accepted.

NOTE: If there is any abuse of this functionality in the future, this could be restricted to redirects pointing to only locations within the {{ environment_domain }}.


Jekyll has a couple of others to use:

  • compositional_jekyll_git_url: The URL to use for the Jekyll theme as a git repo
  • compositional_jekyll_git_branch: The branch of that git repo to use
  • compositional_jekyll_extra_commands: This can be used to execute arbitrary commands inside of the container before the command to build the website is given. This is useful for installing additional tools, or copying down additional materials that need to be included in the container at runtime. This allows for us to provide customized runtimes while still utilizing the upstream container.


  • compositional_rundeck_api_tokens_duration_max: Set to '0' by default, this eliminates any limits on API token lifetime length. Set this to a number of minutes to enforce that limit.
  • compositional_rundeck_additional_setup: This is another place to execute arbitrary commands as root within the container. This is especially useful for installing requirements if scripts are going to be running on the host server's environment. The distro this is based off of is Ubuntu, so make sure to apt update before trying to install anything.

CommandCenter and Portal

CommandCenter and Portal allow us to store their production_key and production.yml.enc file contents in the following variables:

  • compositional_commandcenter_production_key: Can be found at config/credentials folder of commandcenter application, sample keys are passed by default
  • compositional_commandcenter_production_yml_enc: Can be found at config/credentials folder of commandcenter application, sample keys are passed by default
  • compositional_portal_production_key: Can be found at config/credentials folder of portal application, sample keys are passed by default
  • compositional_portal_production_yml_enc: Can be found at config/credentials folder of portal application, sample keys are passed by default

This should probably be vaulted, but as they are by default, you will be able to get an instance spun up and working by default.

See the CommandCenter Repo - Passing Production Keys for more information on updating rails credentials files. Please also note with the default keys setup we run, the keys can be updated from a commandline interface within the container using EDITOR=vim RAILS_ENV=production rails credentials:edit -e production

New Services

Whenever new services are added, we should make sure they are doing the same things that the other ones are. It's typically easiest to start off finding the service that's most similar to the new one. The files for the NGINX configuration file and the task file can be copied, renamed, and edited. Then the variables section can be copied to a new section and renamed, and the service added to the list of services in the defaults/main.yml file.

Setup Steps

New services should include the following setup steps:

  • NGINX Configuration Template
  • Database initialization check
  • Database setup script
  • docker_compose setup
  • Bind Mountpoints
  • Script Execution (Coming Soon)
  • Default Login Account (Coming Later)
  • Unified Account Management (Coming Much Later)


  • Open Source
  • Able to run in a subdirectory
  • Able to use MariaDB/MySQL as a backend or have a self-contained backend (other backends coming later)
  • Upstream or otherwise maintained docker image (We maintain our own in special circumstances)


# This playbook sets up a SSL-encrypted server running nextcloud with default
# frontends and backends, and default passwords. FOR TESTING ONLY!!!
- name: Roles in Common
  hosts: all
  become: yes

    - ../environment/group_vars/all/all.yml

      - "docker"
      - "python-apt"
    certbot_auto_renew_options: "--quiet --no-self-upgrade --pre-hook='docker stop proxy' --post-hook='docker start proxy'"
    certbot_admin_email: "{{ environment_admin }}@{{ environment_domain }}"
    certbot_create_if_missing: True
    certbot_install_from_source: True
      - 'docker'
      - domains:
        - "{{ environment_domain }}"

    - name: Update all packages on the system
        name: '*'
        state: latest
        update_cache: True

    - role: swapfile
      swapfile_size: '4G'
    - role: docker
    - role: certbot
    - role: compositional
      ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/env python3-docker"



Author Information

Andrew Cziryak


Set up services on a docker host

ansible-galaxy install compositionalenterprises/role-compositional
GitHub repository