
Ansible Kopano Role

Install and configure kopano, with batteries included

Build Status


Supported OS

Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04

Supported Kopano versions

Kopano Core 8.6 and Kopano Core 8.7


Installs a complete kopano appliance for one or more domains.

Functional Capablilities:

  • Kopano Core Support
  • Kopano Webapp Support
  • Kopano Spamd Support
  • Z-Push Support
  • SSL / TLS
  • Catchall
  • Initial User Creation
  • Spamfilter & Antivirus including auto-learning

Postfix Installation & Configuration

This server does not install a mailserver. You should have a postfix installed and configured.

However, this role provides some autoconfiguration of postfix mailserver regarding communication between kopano and amavisd. See the according Configuration section below.

Configuration aka Role Variables

Please see defaults/main.yml for an extensive list.

Mandatory variables

You need to configure at least your kopano__serial_key and a kopano__mysql_password.

Supported kopano versions

Runs by default version 8.7, but supports also 8.6 by setting kopano__version


Configure the kopano__mysql_* properties to your need. By default the setup uses a database kopano with a user kopano.


Path to local files given in kopano__ssl__*, kopano will activate SSL encryption everywhere possible (imaps, https)

Initial kopano user

If all user information under kopano__user_* is filed, an initial user will be created if not already present.

Postfix autoconfiguration

To configure postfix either

  • set kopano__postfix__configuration_enable to true
  • define at leaste one entry in kopano__postfix__alias_maps

Howto define a catchall within alias_maps, see example below

Example Playbook

Simple role call with following some capabilities enabled

  • SSL
  • Initial User
  • Catchall
- name: computerlyrik.kopano
    kopano__serial_key: "{{ vault_kopano_serial_key }}"

    kopano__mysql_database: mysqlDatabase
    kopano__mysql_user: mysqlUser
    kopano__mysql_password: "{{ vault_kopano_mysql_password }}"

    kopano__ssl__cert_file: /path/to/cert/file.crt
    kopano__ssl__key_file: /path/to/key/file.key

    kopano__user_login: john
    kopano__user_fullname: John Doe
    kopano__user_password: "{{ vault_kopano_admin_password }}"
    kopano__user_email: [email protected]

    kopano__postfix__configuration_enable: true
      "@example.com": "[email protected]"


Set up kopano locally

Start a local test with your personal kopano serial key:

virtualenv ~/.molecule_virtualenv
. ~/.molecule_virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install molecule python-vagrant
KOPANO_SERIAL_KEY=XXXXXXXXX molecule test --scenario-name local                  

Run molecule tests

molecule test

Migrate from old zarafa

Database dump on source machine

mydumper -u ... -p ... -B zarafa-dbname

Database restore on target machine

myloader -d export_dir -B kopano-dbname -o


rsync -avz --progress src_host:/var/lib/zarafa/attachments/* /var/lib/kopano/attachments
chown kopano:kopano -R /var/lib/kopano/attachments


Apache v2

Author Information

An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).


Install a groupware server based on kopano

ansible-galaxy install computerlyrik/ansible-kopano
GitHub repository
IT Professional for microservice architectures