
Run Postgres DB

Runs a Postgres database using docker-compose.


Only tested on Ubuntu 18.04 machines.

We suggest encrypting the variables file using ansible-vault.

Role Variables

Variable Type Default Comments
postgres_version String 12 PostgreSQL version.
postgres_image String postgres:{{ postgres_version }} PostgreSQL docker image.
postgres_hostname String postgres PostgreSQL container hostname.
postgres_admin_username String postgres PostgreSQL admin username.
postgres_admin_password String postgres PostgreSQL admin password.
postgres_database String postgres Default PostgreSQL database.
postgres_expose_port Boolean False PostgreSQL exposed port.
postgres_port Number 5432 PostgreSQL exposed port. Only used when postgres_expose_port is set to true.
postgres_volume String postgres_data Name of the postgres container volume.
project_dir String ./ Project directory where the docker-compose.yml file and other files will be stored.
sql_scripts [String] [] List of SQL scripts to run when the database engine is run for the first time.
state String present State of the project. If set to present the project will run the docker-compose.yml file. If set to absent it will stop all the containers and remove the {{project_dir}}/postgres folder from the server.
remove_volumes Boolean False Flag that indicates if the volume related to the database container should be removed after destroying or updating the project.
external_network String External docker network. Useful to connect the DB to other containers connected to that docker network.

Example Playbook

This role supports importing sql files that will be run when creating the DB for the first time. This file can be Jinja2 templates.

For example:

CREATE USER {{ example_username }} WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '{{ example_password }}';
CREATE DATABASE {{ example_database }};
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE {{ example_database }} TO {{ example_username }};

Then run a playbook importing the role. The values for the sql templates variables are stored inside the secrets.yaml file, encrypted with ansible-vault.

- hosts: servers
    - secrets.yaml
      - run_postgres_db



ansible-galaxy install conatel-i-d/run_postgres
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Departamento de Innovación y Desarrollo de CONATEL S.A.