
common - base system role

  • CA x509
  • client OpenLDAP + config
  • config mail relay (only is_mailrelay == False and mailrelay != '')
    • Debian: postfix
    • FreeBSD: sendmail
    • OpenBSD: smtpd
  • lignes de config sshd (en variables, voir defaults/main.yml)
  • syslog centralisé:
    • sauf si is_syslogd=True
    • seulement si syslog_server existe
  • deploiement des cles ssh files/cles_ssh/*.pub
  • /usr/local/admin/sysutils/common depuis GIT (et plus selon variables)
  • cron daily/weekly ecm (et supression des anciens de CVS)
  • snmpd (TODO: Debian et OpenBSD)
  • preferred shell pour root + it's config + aliases
  • packages supplementaires (variable pkgs)

templates and files

sshd config and authorized keys

  • Files matching cles_ssh/*.pub will be authorized on root account
  • Files matching cles_ssh/*.del will be removed
  • vimrc file in files/ will be installed as /root/.vimrc

ssh keys

  • Files matching {{ playbook_dir }}/files/ssh/{{ inventory_hostname }}/ssh_host.*_key(.pub)? will be installed on host's ssh daemon.


  • host_timezone (Europe/Paris)
  • is_resolver (False) if True, will use in resolv.conf first
  • resolvers ( [{ network='', ip='' }] ) list of dicts, ip will be used if host match network (in listed order)
  • dns64_resolvers ([]) for IP6-only hosts, overrides resolvers mechanism with DNS64-enabled resolvers
  • rootmailto () mail to forward root's mail
  • gits_root ('/root') path for relative path in gits
  • gits_group ('') group to own gits_root
  • gits_mode ('0750') dir mode for gits_root
  • gits, host_gits, group_gits and role_gits ([]) lists of dicts: each MUST have at least
    • repo: git url to clone there
    • dest: destination path (absolute or relative to gits_root) and MAY have:
    • umask ('0022')
    • update (False)
    • version (master)
  • crons,host_crons,role_crons: list of dicts for cron module
  • ocsinventory_server ('') If present, install and configure openinventory-agent
  • root_shell (zsh) Set your preferred one here :) (or set it empty to skip all this) put your rc file in {{ playbook_dir }}/files/{{ root_shell }}rc
  • do_smart (True if not jail/vm) configure smartd for disks alerts
  • smart_mailto ('') Here comes your email address if you wish to receive alerts by mail
  • backup_dir (files/backups/{{ inventory_hostname }}) copy ssh host keys and restore /root/ files from here if any
  • monitoring_from ([]) list of networks to allow for snmp
  • http_proxy ('') To set http_proxy and https_proxy global values (FreeBSD only)

FreeBSD specific

  • pkg_repo_conf (pkgecm.conf) name of a pkg repo config file to be installed first
  • is_jail (False) if True, will skip hardware monitoring tools (smart, ipmi, snmp, dmidecode)
  • freebsd_base_pkgs ([git,rsync,vim-console,root_shell]) list of packages to install

OpenBSD specific

  • openbsd_base_pkgs ([git,rsync,vim--no_x11,root_shell]) list of packages to install
  • openbsd_pkg_mirror ("") mirror to use

Debian specific

  • debian_base_pkgs (git,rsync,vim,root_shell]) list of packages to install


  • pkgs ([]) additionnal packages to install using distribution's package system
  • host_pkgs role_pkgs ([]) other packages defined in inventory or roles (or whatever)


  • syslog_server () If defined, all logs will be send there
  • syslog_auth_server (syslog_server) Auth logs will be send there


  • x509_ca_file ('') source file for x509 AC certificate(s)
  • x509_ca_path (/etc/ssl/ca.crt) dest path for above cert file


  • is_mailrelay (False) Does not configure mail relay if True
  • mailrelay () If defined, name/IP of the mail relay


  • sshd_allow_groups ('') define AllowGroups in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

LDAP basic config

  • ldap_base ('') baseDN ldap (for ldap.conf)
  • ldap_uri ('ldaps:// ldaps://') URI for ldap.conf
  • ldap_tls_reqcert (never) value for same name in ldap.conf

Network Time Protocol (ntp)

If any of ntp_servers or ntp_pools is non-empty the role will take care of ntp(d).conf and ntp service

  • ntp_servers ([]) list of ntp servers
  • ntp_pools ([]) list of ntp pools
  • ntp_listen_addrs ([]) IP's to listen to (OpenBSD won't listen anywhere without it, can be '*')
ansible-galaxy install criecm/ansible-role-common
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