This playbook makes it possible to update the official vmware (template) AKA rhel image in an automated way by incrementing the image by 1: EX: rhel75001 to rhel75002.
Endpoints with python 3.6 and pyvmomi module
Obviously at least one image starting with a specific words ex: "rhel" (+ digital) must exist on vmware env.
The name of templates vmware linux must always begin with a specific words ex: "rhel" with numerical at the end to be able to make the incrementation
Have access to vmware with a read and write account
a reserved IP address (vmtemp) on the DNS for the temporary vm for which it can be updated with Redhat Satellite
vm_shell_args need to be changed according to your network
yum method and redhat satellite is needed
flow of the playbook
name: Get template vmware_vm_facts
name: Increment by 1 the next no. of the current template in VMware for rhel
name: Clone the current template as a temporary VM
name: Pause the time the clone complete
name: Assign an IP to the temporary VM
name: Restart the network of the temporary VM
name: Installation katello>ca>consumer>latest.noarch.rpm from {{ sat6_fqdn }}
name: Subcribe to Satellite image vra
name: Installation katello-agent
name: update rpm
name: De-registration of the server at Redhat Satellite
name: Removing subscriptions from the temporary vm
name: Removing the Satellite Temporary vm
name: Removing the IP Temporary vm
name: Reset the initial network
name: Shutdown the temporary VM
name: Get VM name uuid to rename the VM
name: Rename the VM to the next current template
name: Convert VM to template in increment no. template
name: Playbook Done! The new current template is now:XXXX
ansible-galaxy install dapiced.update_template_vmware