Ansible Role: Node Exporter
Role to install (by default) node_exporter on Debian/Ubuntu and EL systems.
None per se.
The systemd service file created for node_exporter streams standard output and standard error to syslog
and the SyslogIdentifier is set as node_exporter
. Hence, you can review node_exporter
logs by executing the command sudo journalctl -u node_exporter.service
on the system. Additionally, you may wish to configure rsyslog to collect logs with programname node_exporter
and output to a specific file for maintaining log files. For log rotation, darkwizard242.logrotate role is available on Ansible Galaxy.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below (located in defaults/main.yml
Variables list:
node_exporter_app: node_exporter
node_exporter_version: 1.5.0
node_exporter_osarch: linux-amd64
node_exporter_archive_format: tar.gz
node_exporter_dl_url: "{{ node_exporter_app }}/releases/download/v{{ node_exporter_version }}/{{ node_exporter_app }}-{{ node_exporter_version }}.{{ node_exporter_osarch }}.{{ node_exporter_archive_format }}"
node_exporter_app_group: "{{ node_exporter_app }}"
node_exporter_app_group_desired_state: present
node_exporter_app_user: "{{ node_exporter_app }}"
node_exporter_app_user_desired_state: present
node_exporter_app_user_home_state: no
node_exporter_app_user_shell: /bin/false
node_exporter_temp_path: /tmp
node_exporter_bin_path: /usr/local/bin
node_exporter_bin_path_mode: '0755'
node_exporter_bin_path_remote_src: yes
node_exporter_systemd_service_setup: true
node_exporter_systemd_service_name: "{{ node_exporter_app }}"
node_exporter_systemd_service_flags: --collector.systemd --collector.processes --collector.mountstats
node_exporter_systemd_service_template: "{{ node_exporter_app }}.service.j2"
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ node_exporter_app }}.service"
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_user: root
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_group: root
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_dest_mode: '0644'
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_backup: yes
node_exporter_systemd_service_desired_state: restarted
node_exporter_systemd_service_desired_boot_enabled: yes
node_exporter_app_port: 9100
node_exporter_app_check_status_code: 200
node_exporter_app_check_status_code_retries: 10
node_exporter_app_check_status_code_delay: 5
Variables table:
Variable | Description |
node_exporter_app | Defines the app to install i.e. node_exporter |
node_exporter_version | Defined to dynamically fetch the desired version to install. Defaults to: 1.5.0 |
node_exporter_osarch | Defines os architecture. Used for obtaining the correct type of binaries based on OS System Architecture. Defaults to: linux-amd64 |
node_exporter_archive_format | Defined to use while downloading the archive. |
node_exporter_dl_url | Defines URL to download the node_exporter binary from. |
node_exporter_app_group | Name of the group that the node_exporter owner will belong to. Defaults to node_exporter . |
node_exporter_app_group_desired_state | present indicates creating the group if it doesn't exist. Alternative is absent. |
node_exporter_app_user | Name of the user that node_exporter will be owned by. Defaults to node_exporter . |
node_exporter_app_user_desired_state | present indicates creating the user if it doesn't exist. Alternative is absent. |
node_exporter_app_user_home_state | Set to 'no' to not create a home directory for node_exporter user. |
node_exporter_app_user_shell | Variable is used to define if the user should have a default shell. Set to /bin/false as not required. |
node_exporter_temp_path | Temporary path where node_exporter archive is downloaded and extracted. |
node_exporter_bin_path | Path in which to place the actual node_exporter in. |
node_exporter_bin_path_mode | Permissions for node_exporter binary. |
node_exporter_bin_path_remote_src | Defined to let ansible handle unarchive operation on remote hosts. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_setup | Utilized as a when condition to setup a systemd service file for node_exporter . If set to false . Systemd service file for node_exporter will be created. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_name | Name of the systemd service file when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_flags | Variable to store and pass any commandline flags of node_exporter in it's service file when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_template | Jinja2 source systemd service template file to place on host role is applied on when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_dest | Destination filename of node_exporter systemd service when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_user | Owner of node_exporter systemd service file when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_group | Group of node_exporter systemd service file when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_dest_mode | Mode of node_exporter systemd service file when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_template_backup | To backup any existing node_exporter systemd service file when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_desired_state | Desired state of node_exporter systemd service when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_systemd_service_desired_boot_enabled | To set node_exporter service as enabled when node_exporter_systemd_service_setup is set to true. |
node_exporter_app_port | As the default port of node_exporter is 9100, this variable is utilized in a handler that checks for whether node_exporter is running on port 9100 or not. |
node_exporter_app_check_status_code | Status code that the handler looks for when running the check for node_exporter. |
node_exporter_app_check_status_code_retries | Number of times handler tries to check for node_exporter running. |
node_exporter_app_check_status_code_delay | Number of time of delays in seconds that the handler waits for in between checks for node_exporter. |
Example Playbook
For default behaviour of role (i.e. installation of node_exporter) in ansible playbooks.
- hosts: servers
- role: darkwizard242.node_exporter
For customizing behavior of role (i.e. specifying the desired node_exporter version) in ansible playbooks.
- hosts: servers
- role: darkwizard242.node_exporter
node_exporter_version: 1.0.1
For customizing behavior of role (i.e. disabling the setup node_exporter systemd service) in ansible playbooks.
- hosts: servers
- role: darkwizard242.node_exporter
node_exporter_systemd_service_setup: false
Author Information
This role was created by Ali Muhammad.
Installs & configures 'node_exporter' for scraping node metrics.
ansible-galaxy install darkwizard242/ansible-role-node_exporter