

Ansible role for common configuration tasks on EL7 servers.


Currently, the role only supports CentOS_ and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)_ EL7 distribution flavors.

It also requires RHEL/CentOS 7.4 or higher since it provides a newer python-virtualenv package (1.10.1-4.el7+) which fixes compatibility with Python 3 (for more details, see:

If you need support for other flavors, feel free to submit a pull request_.

.. _CentOS: .. _Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL): .. _submit a pull request:

Role Variables

remote_user variable is automatically set with running whoami command as user who connects to the server.

+------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | Mandatory | Default | +====================================+==========+===========================================+===========+================================================================+ | common_include_security | boolean | Specify if part of the role in charge of | no | true | | | | security is played or not. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_include_guest_additions | boolean | Specify if part of the role in charge of | no | false | | | | installing the VirtualBox's guest | | | | | | additions is played or not. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_hostname | string | Hostname of the server. | no | "{{ inventory_hostname }}" | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_rhel_repos_for_epel | list | List of repository ids that need to be | no | - rhel-7-server-optional-rpms | | | | enabled on RHEL machines for the EPEL | | | | | | repository. | | - rhel-7-server-extras-rpms | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_python3_enabled | boolean | Install Python 3.4 if true. | no | false | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_python36_enabled | boolean | Install Python 3.6 if true. | no | false | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_selinux_permisive | boolean | Set SELinux to permisive mode if true.| no | false | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_ssh_allowed_ips | list | List of ip addresses from which firewall | no | [] | | | | will allow ssh connection. | | | | | | | | | | | | .. WARNING:: | | | | | | If list is empty, all ssh connections | | | | | | will be allowed. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_ssh_authorized_keys | list | List of public ssh keys which will be | no | [] | | | | added to remote_user's | | | | | | authorized_keys file. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | vaulted_common_root_password | string | root's password. It must be hashed | no | "" | | | | and stored in Ansible Vault for security | | | | | | reasons. See Ansible documentation for | | | | | | more details. | | | | | | | | | | | | .. WARNING:: | | | | | | Password will be disabled if this | | | | | | setting is left blank. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | vaulted_common_user_password | string | remote_user's password. It must be | no | | | | | hashed and stored in Ansible Vault for | | | | | | security reasons. See Ansible | | | | | | documentation_ for more details. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_root_ps1 | string | Value of root's PS1 bash variable | no | "${BGREEN}\u@\h${NORMAL}:${BBLUE}\w${NORMAL}\\$" | | | | if defined. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_user_ps1 | string | Value of remote_user's PS1 bash | no | "${BLUE}(${RED}\w${BLUE}) ${NORMAL}\h ${RED}\\$ ${NORMAL}" | | | | variable if defined. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | common_virtualbox_dist_dir | string | Path where VirtualBox guest additions | no | /opt/virtualbox | | | | will be downloaded and extracted. | | | +------------------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+

.. _Ansible documentation: .. _EPEL repository:


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

To use this role add this to your playbook:

.. code-block:: yaml

- hosts: servers
     - { role: domenblenkus.common }


Licensed under the GPLv3 License. See the COPYING file for details.

Author Information

| Domen Blenkuš | Tadej Janež


Common configutation for CentOS 7 server.

ansible-galaxy install dblenkus/ansible-common
GitHub repository