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Logrotate role for Ansible

Ansible role for setting up automatic rotation and archival of log files.


Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 Server.

Role Variables

The default variables are as follows:

logrotate_compress:           'yes'                     # Whether to gzip rotated files.
logrotate_conf_name:          'my_app_name'             # Name of the config file to be written in /etc/logrotate.d.
logrotate_delay_compress:     'yes'                     # Whether to delay compression until the next rotation cycle (may solve file-in-use issues).
logrotate_file_permissions:   0644                      # File permissions for rotated logs/archives.
logrotate_log_dir:            '$HOME/log'               # Target directory containing log files.
logrotate_log_extension:      'log'                     # File extension for log files.
logrotate_ignore_empty:       'yes'                     # Whether to ignore empty log errors.
logrotate_ignore_missing:     'yes'                     # Whether to ignore missing log errors.
logrotate_rotate_frequency:   'monthly'                 # Frequency of rotation. Valid values are 'daily', 'monthly', 'yearly'.
logrotate_rotate_count:       7                         # How many logs to rotate before the oldest one is deleted.
logrotate_rotate_size:        '100M'                    # If logs reach this size, they will be rotated. Takes precedence over logrotate_rotate_frequency.
logrotate_use_date_extension: 'yes'                     # Whether to append the date to rotated logs. If false, a number is used instead.
logrotate_user:               '{{ ansible_ssh_user }}'  # Owner of rotated logs files.
logrotate_user_group:         '{{ ansible_ssh_user }}'  # Group of rotated log files.

Example Playbook

- hosts: 'servers'
    - role: 'ssilab.logrotate'
      logrotate_conf_name:        'my_app_name'
      logrotate_user:             '{{ deployment_user }}'
      logrotate_user_group:       '{{ deployment_user }}'
      logrotate_log_dir:          '{{ deployment_user_home}}/log'
      logrotate_log_extension:    'txt'
      logrotate_rotate_frequency: 'daily'
      logrotate_rotate_size:      '10M'
      logrotate_rotate_count:     7


This playbook is provided 'as-is' under the conditions of the BSD license. No fitness for purpose is guaranteed or implied.


Sets up automatic rotation and archival of log files.

ansible-galaxy install dstil/ansible-logrotate
GitHub repository
The Deakin Software & Technology Innovation Lab (DSTIL) is now known as the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (@a2i2)