

Ansible role to setup the PHP-based PrivateBin


Those are the minimal requirements for PrivateBin (as of Version 1.3.4):

  • PHP version 5.5 or above

  • one of the following sources of cryptographically safe randomness is required:

    • PHP 7 or higher
    • Libsodium and it's PHP extension
    • open_basedir access to /dev/urandom
    • mcrypt extension
    • com_dotnet extension

    Mcrypt needs to be able to access /dev/urandom. This means if open_basedir is set, it must include this file.

  • GD extension

  • some disk space or (optionally) a database supported by PDO

  • ability to create files and folders in the installation directory and the PATH defined in index.php

  • A web browser with javascript support

Taken from the PrivateBin wiki, mostly written by elrido.

You systems also needs to have git installed for cloning the role.

Role Variables

| Variable | Description | Default | |----------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | pbin_path | Location of the PrivateBin source files | "/var/www/privatebin" | | pbin_user | User to be the owner of the PrivateBin files | "{{ ansible_facts['user_id'] }}" (user executing the tasks on the remote machine) | | pbin_group | Group to be the owner of the PrivateBin files | "{{ pbin_use }}" | | pbin_git_repo | Git repository to clone | "" | | pbin_git_version | Git version (e.g. branch name or tag) to clone | "1.3.4" (latest as of writing this role) | | pbin_model_class | Filesystem or Database, where to store pastes | "Filesystem" | | pbin_datadir | Folder to store pastes in, applicable when Filesystem | "data" | | pbin_pdo_dsn | DSN string to use for Database connection (see for reference) | "" (empty) | | pbin_pdo_table | Table prefix in MySQL / PsQL / SQLite3 / ... | "privatebin_" | | pbin_pdo_user | Username for authenticating against the database | "" (empty) | | pbin_name | Name of the PrivateBin installation | "PrivateBin" | | pbin_discussion_enabled | Allow discussions to be opened | true | | pbin_password_enabled | Allow custom passwords to be set | true | | pbin_fileupload_enabled | Allow files to be attached to pastes | true | | pbin_burn_after_reading_default | Set the checkmark to delete pastes after reading by default | false | | pbin_formatter_default | Default formatter to use (plaintext, markdown or syntaxhighlighting) | "plaintext" | | pbin_syntax_theme | Theme to use for syntax highlighting, false to apply no custom theme | false | | pbin_template | Frontend template to use | "bootstrap" | | pbin_language_selection | Display the language selection dropdown | false | | pbin_sizelimit | Limit for the size of each paste in bytes | 10485760 (10 Mebibytes) | | pbin_notice | Add a notice to the privatebin frontend, false to disable | false | | pbin_formatter_options | Set available formatters, their order and their labels | [plaintext: "Plain Text", syntaxhighlighting: "Source Code", markdown: "Markdown"] | | pbin_compression | Compression method to use, zlib or none | "zlib" | | pbin_expire_default | Default expiry time for pastes, must be present in pbin_expire_options | "1week" | | pbin_expire_options | Available expiration times in second | [5min: 300, 10min: 600, 1hour: 3600, 1day: 86400, 1week: 604800, 1month: 2592000, 1year: 31536000, never: 0] | | pbin_ratelimit | Seconds in between pates from the same IP | 10 | | pbin_forwarded_header | If running behind a reverse proxy, set to the name of the header containing the clients IP such as X_FORWARDED_FOR, false to disable | false | | pbin_traffic_dir | Directory to store the traffic limits in | "{{ pbin_datadir }}" | | pbin_purge_limit | Minimum time between purging attempts in seconds | 300 | | pbin_purge_batchsize | Maximum number of pastes to delete when purging, larger installations may need to increase this value | 10 | | pbin_purge_dir | Directory to store the purge limit in | "{{ pbin_datadir }}" |

Example Playbook

- name: Install PrivateBin
  hosts: privatebin
    - e1mo.privatebin
    - privatebin
    pbin_path: "/var/www/"
    pbin_user: "www-data"
    pbin_model_class: "Filesystem"
    pbin_pdo_dsn: "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin"
    pbin_pdo_user: "privatebin"
    pbin_pdo_pass: "privatebin"



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Author Information

Written by Moritz 'e1mo' Fromm.

The role is developed on sourcehut at To contribute send your patches to ~e1mo/ansible-role-privatebin [at] using git send-email (Mailing list etiquette). The issue-tracker is located at, no account needed.

ansible-galaxy install e1mo/ansible-role-privatebin
GitHub repository