
Role Name


ansible modules:

onyx_config onyx_command

python module scp - pip install scp

Role Variables

force_upgrade_downgrade: If we want to allow a downgrade situation where we may end up with a factory configuration if false then the local ansible server will use the net_put ansible module. default - False fetch: The switch will copy the image from the server using the "image fetch" command. default - True transfer_protocol: The protocol to use when copying the image to the switch. default - scp server_ip: The server ip address from which to fetch the image when using the image fetch command server_user: The server username. default - "" server_password: The server user password. default - "" img_file: The full path to the img file on the remote server. default - "" fail_on_file: Fail the role if the img file path doesn't exist .default - True destination_folder: when not using fetch - the img file will be copied to this folder . default - /var/opt/tms/images/ reload: If to reload the switch to load the new software image. default - True e_config_backup: true if to backup the switch configuration before the reload to the new image. default - true config_backup: "{{ e_config_backup | bool }}"


A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

  • name: upgrade_switches hosts: ONYX gather_facts: no strategy: free connection: network_cli become: yes become_method: enable vars: ansible_network_os: onyx force_upgrade_downgrade: False fetch: True transfer_protocol: scp server_ip: server_user: "" server_password: "" img_file: "/tmp/image-X86_64-3.9.2006.img" fail_on_file: True destination_folder: /var/opt/tms/images/ reload: True e_config_backup: true config_backup: "{{ e_config_backup | bool }}" remote_user: admin roles:
    • { role: eddies1985.mlnx_os_onyx_sw_upgrade , tags: ['onyx_upgrade']}

An example command lines:

ansible-playbook onyx_upgrade_test.yml -l l-csi-2410a1-tmp-17 -e '{"fetch":"false","force_upgrade_downgrade":"false","e_config_backup":"1"}' -e "img_file=/tmp/image-X86_64-3.9.2006.img" -i hosts ansible-playbook onyx_upgrade_test.yml -l l-csi-2410a1-tmp-17 -e '{"fetch":"true","force_upgrade_downgrade":"false","e_config_backup":"1"}' -e "img_file=/tmp/image-X86_64-3.9.2006.img server_ip= server_user=root server_password=mypassword" -i hosts



Author Information

Eddie Shklaer


upgrading and downgrading software for Nvidia/Mellanox MLNX-OS switches and Onyx Switches using the onyx_command and onyx_config module

ansible-galaxy install eddies1985/ansible_role_mlnx_os_onyx_sw_upgrade-
GitHub repository