
Role Name

A brief description of the role goes here.

Ansible role to DevOps-ify Cisco Viptela's enrivonrment, using Cisco Viptela's software-defined networking capablities and vManage's remote management capabilities.


All modules of this role require python2.7 environment::

sudo pip install viptela-python --upgrade
sudo pip install ansible


The Ansible role can be installed directly from Ansible Galaxy by running::

 ansible-galaxy install eugene_ky_wong.viptela_ansible --force 

If the ansible-galaxy command-line tool is not available (usually shipped with Ansible), or you prefer to download the role package directly, navigate to the Ansible Galaxy role page <>_ and hit "Download".

Alternately, you can directly navigate to our GitHub repository <>_.

Role Variables

A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including any variables that are in defaults/main.yml, vars/main.yml, and any variables that can/should be set via parameters to the role. Any variables that are read from other roles and/or the global scope (ie. hostvars, group vars, etc.) should be mentioned here as well.


A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.

Example Playbook

Upload software to vManage

  • name: Test with a message viptela_command: name: Stage 18.2.0 filename: "viptela-18.2.0-mips64.tar.gz" user: admin user_pass: pass vmanage_server: register: results

Upload software to vEdge

  • name: Upgrade_Software viptela_command: user: admin user_pass: pass vmanage_server: "{{ vmanage_server }}" version: "{{ version }}" URL: 'vmanage' #device_type: 'vedges' action: 'upgrade' ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}" device_uuid: "{{ device_uuid[0] }}" register: upgrade

Upgrade software in vEdge

  • name: Change_Partition viptela_command: user: admin user_pass: pass vmanage_server: "{{ vmanage_server }}" version: "{{ version }}" action: 'activate' ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}" device_uuid: "{{ device_uuid[0] }}" register: change_partition

Check Upgrade status

  • name: Check_Upgrade_Status viptela_command: user: admin user_pass: pass vmanage_server: "{{ vmanage_server }}" URL: "{{ change_partition.results }}" action: 'check_status' register: check_status retries: "{{ timeout * 6 }}" delay: 10 until: ( check_status.results[0].statusId=="success" ) or ( check_status.results[0].statusId=="skipped" )



Author Information


This is the Cisco Viptela Ansible SDK

ansible-galaxy install eugene-ky-wong/viptela-ansible
GitHub repository