

Ansible role to automate onboarding configuration on a BIG-IP. The role will configure the following

  • BIG-IP hostname
  • BIG-IP SSH Banner text
  • NTP servers
  • DNS servers
  • Provision the modules (ASM/AFM etc) on the BIG-IP
  • Configure VLAN's and Self-IPs


  • This role requires Ansible 2.6
  • Packages to be installed
    • pip install f5-sdk
    • pip install bigsuds
    • pip install netaddr

Role Variables

The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.

username: admin                                     //BIG-IP username
password: admin                                     //BIG-IP password

banner_text: "--Welcome to Onboarding BIGIP--"      //Banner when user SSH's into the BIG-IP

hostname: 'ansibleManaged-bigip.local'              //BIG-IP hostname

ntp_servers:                                        //NTP servers configured on BIG-IP
 - ''
 - ''

dns_servers:                                        //DNS servers configured on BIG-IP
 - ''
 - ''

dns_search_domains:                                 //DNS serach domains configured on BIG-IP
 - 'local'
 - 'localhost'

device_license: 'AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEEEE'   //BIG-IP license key. Only declare this variable if you desire the licensing task to run.

ip_version: 4                                       //DNS protocol version

vlan_information:                                   //VLAN configured on BIG-IP
 - name: 'External'                                 //Example: VLAN 'External' with VLAN tag 10
   tag: '10'                                                   tag 10 tagged to interface 1.1. Omitting the 'tag' parameter will create an untagged VLAN
   interface: '1.1'                                 
 - name: 'Internal'                                 //Example: VLAN 'Internal' with VLAN tag 11 
   tag: '11'                                                   tagged to interface 1.2. Omitting the 'tag' parameter will create an untagged VLAN
   interface: '1.2'

selfip_information:                                 //Self-IP configured on the BIG-IP
 - name: 'External-SelfIP'                                        
   address: ''                                         
   netmask: ''
   vlan: 'External'
   allow_service: 'default'
 - name: 'Internal-SelfIP'
   address: ''
   netmask: ''
   vlan: 'Internal'
   allow_service: 'default'

module_provisioning:                                 //Module provisioning on BIG-IP. 
 - name: 'asm'                                       //ASM module is enabled on the BIG-IP
   level: 'nominal'

Example Playbook

- hosts: bigips
  gather_facts: false
  - { role: f5devcentral.bigip-onboarding }

Credential storage

Because this role includes usage of credentials to access your BIG-IP, I recommend that you supply these variables in an ansible-vault encrypted file.

This can be supplied out-of-band of this role


  • Store your vault password in a file - '~/.vault_pass.txt'
  • Execute playbook as follows - ansible-vault encrypt <> --vault-password-file ~/.vault_pass.txt

For more information refer to:

Certificate validation

To validate the SSL certificates of the BIG-IP REST API


When licensing a BIG-IP, this role will accept the EULA on your behalf. This module will not present you with the EULA, so it is incumbent on you to read it here:



Performs a basic series of on-boarding steps to bootstrap a BIG-IP system to the point that it can accept configuration.

ansible-galaxy install f5devcentral/ansible-role-bigip_onboard
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