

An Ansible role to perform basic setup on a group of Raspberry Pi hosts, intended for use with headless machines.

When run on a fresh installation of Raspberry Pi OS with only ssh enabled (add an empty file called ssh to the boot partition on the SD card before first boot to do this!), this role can be used to:

  • Set the hostname to match the hostname given in the Ansible inventory or from a variable called local_hostname
  • Set various options in different Pis' config.txt from a variable called config_settings
  • Add authorized ssh keys to the pi user for passwordless login from a variable called authorized_keys
  • Change the default password on the pi user from a variable called pi_password

To skip any of the steps, simply leave the relevant variable unset.

I recommend combining this with the dev-sec.ssh-hardening which will lock down ssh access to disallow password login for security as well as making a range of other security improvements to sshd's default setup.

Additionally, you can use the geerlingguy.swap to set up a swap file if needs be!

Example playbook

Main playbook playbook.yml

- hosts: raspis
    # This role will automatically set up passwordless SSH for the given keys
    # and customize any config.txt settings passed in via the host inventory.
    - role: fpiesche.raspi_setup
        # These values will be the defaults for all of the Pis, but can be
        # overridden on a per-host basis.            
        authorized_keys: ["{{ lookup('file', lookup('env', 'HOME') + '/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}",
                          "ssh-rsa ..."]
        # The `pi_password` variable must be a hashed password.
        pi_password: "{{ raspberry | password_hash('sha512') }}"

    # RECOMMENDED: This role will lock down ssh access to disallow password login
    # and make other security improvements to the default ssh setup.
    # https://github.com/dev-sec/ansible-ssh-hardening
    - role: dev-sec.ssh-hardening
      become: yes
    # OPTIONAL: Set up a swap file using the `swap_megabytes` host variable
    # https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-swap
    - role: geerlingguy.swap
      become: yes

Inventory hosts.yml

Here's a slice of the hosts.yml I use for my Docker cluster of various versions of Pi:

        ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
        ansible_user: pi
        ansible_password: raspberry
          # Set a different password for the `pi` user on this Pi
          pi_password: "{{ pi1-password | password_hash('sha512') }}"
          # Anything in the config_settings section will be automatically set
          # in this Pi's config.txt and the system rebooted afterwards.
            - name: "gpu_mem"
              value: 16
            # Raspberry Pi 1 overclocking settings taken from
            # https://haydenjames.io/raspberry-pi-safe-overclocking-settings/
            - name: "arm_freq"
              value: 1000
            - name: "sdram_freq"
              value: 500
            - name: "core_freq"
              value: 500
            - name: "over_voltage"
              value: 6
            - name: "temp_limit"
              value: 75
          # This is used by Jeff Geerling's `geerlingguy.swap` role to set up a 1GB swap file.
          # https://github.com/geerlingguy/ansible-role-swap
          swap_file_size_mb: 1024

          pi_password: "{{ pi2-password | password_hash('sha512') }}"
          local_hostname: that-other-one
            - name: "gpu_mem"
              value: 16
            # Raspberry Pi 2 overclocking settings taken from
            # https://wiki.debian.org/RaspberryPi#Overclocking_Pi_2
            - name: "arm_freq"
              value: 1000
            - name: "core_freq"
              value: 500
            - name: "sdram_freq"
              value: 400
            - name: "over_voltage"
              value: 0
            - name: "over_voltage_sdram_p"
              value: 0
            - name: "over_voltage_sdram_i"
              value: 0
            - name: "over_voltage_sdram_c"
              value: 0
            - name: "temp_limit"
              value: 75
          swap_file_size_mb: 1024

Perform basic setup for headless use on newly deployed Raspberry Pi OS installations

ansible-galaxy install fpiesche/ansible-role-raspi-setup
GitHub repository