
ELK Ansible role

Installs the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) for log aggregation and monitoring. Intended for integration with Riemann for alerting functionality.


Role variables

elk_kibana_user: "kibana"
elk_kibana_logfile: "/var/log/kibana.log"

# Provide ability to disable the snapshot functionality. It's not well
# tested, so leaving false as the default now. If set to true on a first
# run, probably should add `meta: flush_handlers` prior to running to ensure
# the `path.repo:` variable is recognized by the running elasticsearch service..
elk_elasticsearch_snapshot: false

elk_elasticsearch_snapshot_directory: /var/lib/elasticsearch/backups
elk_elasticsearch_snapshot_repository: es_backup
  type: fs
    location: "{{ elk_elasticsearch_snapshot_directory }}"
    compress: yes
  _hack: null

# It'd be nice to use iso8601 instead epoch, but the ElasticSearch API
# throws an invalid_snapshot_name error with the iso8601 format.
elk_elasticsearch_snapshot_name: "snapshot-{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}"

# Limits to set in /etc/security/limits.conf. Make sure to copy the entire
# list if overriding any of the individual elements.
    - domain: elasticsearch
      limit_item: memlock
      limit_type: hard
      value: unlimited

    - domain: elasticsearch
      limit_item: memlock
      limit_type: soft
      value: unlimited

    - domain: elasticsearch
      limit_item: nofile
      limit_type: soft
      value: 65535

    - domain: elasticsearch
      limit_item: nofile
      limit_type: hard
      value: 65535

# Riemann plugin for alerting, de-dot filter for ElasticSearch v2 compatibility.
# See: https://www.elastic.co/blog/introducing-the-de_dot-filter
  - logstash-output-riemann
  - logstash-filter-de_dot

# Interface used for firewall restrictions and IPv4 lookups
elk_network_interface: eth0

elk_cluster_name: elk-logging

# SSL is disabled by default. Set these vars to the fullpaths to SSL
# certs you wish to use, and Nginx will force HTTPS connections.
# You must place the SSL certs there in a separate play.
elk_nginx_ssl_certificate: ""
elk_nginx_ssl_certificate_key: ""
elk_nginx_server_name: localhost

# Not safe for production use! Override to secure logins.
elk_kibana_username: kibana
elk_kibana_password: kibana

# Override to change the landing page, e.g. a custom dashboard:
# "dashboard/Your-Dashboard-Name". You must replace whitespace in
# dashboard names with hyphens, since Kibana expects it.
elk_kibana_default_app: discover

# Enable automatic configuration of IP whitelisting for "logclients".
# Uses ufw. Disable if you're using a different role for firewall config.
elk_configure_firewall: true

# Allow downstream playbooks to utilize custom webserver configuration
# Set this to false in order to skip over this role's nginx rollout
elk_configure_nginx: true

# Allow downstream playbooks to override patterns and filters fileglob list
  - logstash-patterns/*
  - logstash-configs/*

# Declare fileglob of GeoIP databases to copy. Off by default.
elk_logstash_geoipdbs: []


Use the role in a playbook like this:

- hosts: logserver
    - role: elk
      elk_kibana_username: admin
      elk_kibana_password: WowWhatAStrongPassword4

Adding visualizations

The role does not yet create Kibana visualizations automatically. You can however import saved visualizations that ship with the role in files/kibana-dashboards.json. Go to Settings -> Objects -> Import in the Kibana UI and browse to the JSON file.

Running the tests

This role uses Molecule and ServerSpec for testing. To use it:

pip install molecule
gem install serverspec
molecule test

You can also run selective commands:

molecule idempotence
molecule verify

See the Molecule docs for more info.

Further reading


Developing custom filters

See the examples/writing-filters directory in this repo for a preconfigured development environment. Copy that directory to a server with logstash installed, or use a Vagrant testing VM.





Stands up ELK stack for log aggregation.

ansible-galaxy install freedomofpress/ansible-role-elk
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Defending and supporting cutting-edge transparency journalism in the face of adversity.