
Riemann Ansible role

Ansible role for configuring the Riemann stream processor for alerting on Logstash events. Intended for use with the freedomofpress.elk role.


  • a Logstash server to receive events from (see the freedomofpress.elk role)
  • web service integration for alerting (currently only Slack is supported)

Role Variables

# Version of the deb package to install. You can view the most
# recent release here: https://github.com/riemann/riemann/releases
riemann_version: "0.3.0"

riemann_download_directory: /usr/local/src
riemann_download_url: "https://github.com/riemann/riemann/releases/download/{{riemann_version}}/riemann_{{riemann_version}}_all.deb"
riemann_deb_file_fullpath: "{{ riemann_download_directory }}/{{ riemann_download_url | basename }}"

# The checksum file will be downloaded separately and the MD5sum (best that's offered)
# verified prior to installing the deb package.
riemann_checksum_url: "{{ riemann_download_url }}.md5"
riemann_checksum_fullpath: "{{ riemann_download_directory }}/{{ riemann_checksum_url | basename }}"

# Ignored by default. Override to add Slack alerts based on tags.
# Requires keys: account, token, channel. Example structure:
#   riemann_slack_credentials:
#     channel: "#alerts"
#     account: exampleorg
#     token: jf4PAD9s1T1N6m5S6iMngAfG
# Note: the value for "token" should be the last element after separating
# the URL by '/'. So paste the webhook URL into this one-liner:
#   perl -F/ -lanE 'say $F[-1]'
# and store the returned value as the "token".
riemann_slack_credentials: {}

# Name of the Logstash tag to trigger alerts.
riemann_slack_tag: slack_alert

# Disable verbose logging, useful for standing up the server.
riemann_debug_logging: false

# Allow override ability of installed JVM
riemann_jvm_pkg: default-jre-headless

# Remote config directories to be created. Config files, via fileglob
# or otherwise, will be added to these directories.
  - "conf.d"
  - "utils"
  - "vars"

  - src: riemann.config.j2
    dest: /etc/riemann/riemann.config
  - src: slack-alerts.clj.j2
    dest: /etc/riemann/conf.d/slack-alerts.clj

# Override the default template with a unified config file.
riemann_optional_baseconfig: ""
# Provide additional config files, via fileglob.
riemann_optional_addconfs: []
riemann_optional_addutils: []

# Key/values that riemann can import and utilize
riemann_alerts_auth_map: {}

Example Playbook

- name: Install Riemann server.
  hosts: logserver
  become: yes
    - vars/slack_api.yml
    - role: freedomofpress.riemann
  tags: riemann

Running the tests

This role uses Molecule and ServerSpec for testing. To use it:

pip install molecule
gem install serverspec
molecule test

You can also run selective commands:

molecule idempotence
molecule verify

See the Molecule docs for more info.

Further Reading

The following resources were invaluable in creating this role.



ansible-galaxy install freedomofpress/ansible-role-riemann
GitHub repository
Defending and supporting cutting-edge transparency journalism in the face of adversity.