

This role creates a script that performs psql backups.

It dumps the database, possibly gzip and encrypt backup with aes256.

It can send messages into slack.

It can store your backup on s3 or/and scp it to some other host.

Role Variables

Base variables

psql_backup_host: psql host

psql_backup_port: psql port (default 3306)

psql_backup_user: psql user

psql_backup_pass: psql pass

psql_backup_db: psql database to backup (if not set, then --all-databases option will be passed to psqldump)

psql_backup_backend_use_s3: set to true if you want to store your backup on S3

psql_backup_backend_use_scp: set to true if you want to send your backup to some other host using scp

S3 backend variables

psql_backup_s3cfg_template: template of your s3fs config (the default is provided, don't worry)

psql_backup_s3: s3 configuration options in format like this

  username: "s3user"
  access_key: "s3user-akey"
  secret_key: "s3user-skey"
  bucket: "bucket-name"
SCP backend variables

psql_backup_scp_host: storage host to copy your backup

psql_backup_scp_user: user to log in on storage host as

psql_backup_scp_dst: path on storage host to store your backup

psql_backup_scp_identity_src: identity file to use to log in on storage host (yes, it should be a private key)


psql_backup_archive_prefix: just the backup name or simply everything before timestamp

psql_backup_archive_stamp: timestamp template in date tool format (the default is %F-%Hh%Mm%Ss and resulted in timestamps seem like 2019-09-23-12h22m07s)

psql_backup_script_name: if you want to rename the base script, you're welcome

psql_backup_custom_script_name: if you want to set some specific name to job script, that actually performs the backup. The default is psql-backup-<database_name>.sh, where can be all if no databases were specified to backup.

psql_backup_scp_identity_name: the default is id_rsa, but it could be useful to modify it in case you want to have multiple SCP backends that use different keys

psql_backup_encrypt_aes_key_name: the default is aes256.key, needed it you want to have different encryption keys for different backup tasks


psql_backup_warn_size: in GiB, default is 0. Compare your backup with this size. If your backup is less, warn you about it.

psql_backup_hostname: hostname (that will be printed in slack messages)

psql_backup_slack_webhook: as written, it's a slack webhook; set it to get slack notifications

How to get slack webhook:

Compress and Encrypt variables

psql_backup_gzip: gzip backup file

psql_backup_encrypt_aes: encrypt backup file (if gzip enabled this action will be performed specifically AFTER gzip)

psql_backup_encrypt_aes_key_src: aes256 key to encrypt your backup

Aes256 key is just 32 bytes of random.

You can use the following command to create it: dd if=/dev/urandom of=aes256.key count=1 bs=32.

If you prefer string passwords (it's less secure) you can use this: pwgen -n1 -s 32 | tr -d '\n' >aes256.key


psql_backup_script_dir: directory to store the base script

psql_backup_custom_script_dir: directory to store scripts specific to appropriate backup jobs

psql_backup_conf_dir: directory to store backup script configuration files

psql_backup_encrypt_aes_key_dir: directory to store aes256 encryption key

psql_backup_tmpdir: directory to keep temporary results (you don't need to create a separate one, it's /tmp by default)

Pass data outside the role

psql_backup_save_facts_about_custom_script: if you set it to true then the role will save the full path of the generated job script, that has to be run to perform backup, into the variable psql_backup_last_generated_custom_script. You can use this variable to add a specific cron task for this script.

Example Playbook

# create psql backup job script
- role: freehck.script_psql_backup
  # psql connection parameters
  psql_backup_host: "{{ db_host }}"
  psql_backup_user: "{{ db_user }}"
  psql_backup_pass: "{{ db_pass }}"
  psql_backup_db: "{{ db_name }}"
  # backend storage parameters
  psql_backup_backend_use_s3: no
  psql_backup_backend_use_scp: yes
  psql_backup_scp_host: "{{ hostvars['storage'].ansible_host }}"
  psql_backup_scp_identity_src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/id_rsa.bkp.db01"
  psql_backup_scp_user: 'file'
  psql_backup_scp_dst: '/var/www/file/public/psql-db-prod-backup'
  # gzip and encrypt
  psql_backup_gzip: yes
  psql_backup_encrypt_aes: yes
  psql_backup_encrypt_aes_key_src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/files/aes256.bkp.key"
  # other
  psql_backup_save_facts_about_custom_script: yes
  psql_backup_logfile: "/var/log/psql-backup.log"
  tags: [ backup, psql ]

# it's sane to create the cron job for this job script
- role: freehck.crontask
  crontask_file: "backups"
  crontask_name: "backup database"
  crontask_hour: "12"
  crontask_minute: "0"
  crontask_job: "{{ psql_backup_last_generated_custom_script }}"
  crontask_user: "root"
  crontask_commented_out: false
  tags: [ backup, psql ]

Important info

After you deployed the psql-backup script on your host, it would be sane to come to the host that performs backup tasks and run the job script from /opt/scripts without parameters. If it passed without errors and you see the backup file on storage, then everything's okay. If not -- you'll find out what the problem was. F.e. you could forget to add the strage host to known_hosts when configured users. Or your s3cfg template could contain a mistake. Do not forget to check everything twice: backup things is a very important task.

After you checked the backup was created and stored on the correct place, check it carefully. You must be sure you can restore using it.



Author Information

Dmitrii Kashin,


install a script performing mysql backups

ansible-galaxy install freehck/ansible-role-script-postgresql-backup
GitHub repository