
Ansible Role: Visual Studio Code

Tests Ansible Galaxy License

Role to install the Visual Studio Code IDE / text editor.


  • Ansible Core >= 2.12

  • Linux Distribution

    • Debian Family

      • Ubuntu

        • Focal (20.04)
        • Jammy (22.04)
    • RedHat Family

      • Rocky Linux

        • 8
      • Fedora

        • 35
    • SUSE Family

      • openSUSE

        • 15.3
    • Note: other versions are likely to work but have not been tested.

Role Variables

The following variables will change the behavior of this role (default values are shown below):

# Visual Studio Code version number (defaults to the latest version)
visual_studio_code_version: ''

# Build (either 'stable' or 'insiders')
# Ubuntu only (code-insiders isn't in Microsoft's RPM repo)
visual_studio_code_build: stable

# Mirror server for fetching the public keys and the Visual Studio Code
# installation package. The URL may include directories. The URL must not end
# with a trailing slash.
visual_studio_code_mirror: ''

# should the gpgcheck of the repo enabled?
# if true
# - for apt repo the option trusted=yes is NOT added
# - for dnf/yum the option gpgcheck is set to yes
# - for zypper the option gpgcheck is set to 1
# true is the default
# if false
# - for apt repo the option trusted=yes is added to repo definition
# - for dnf/yum the option gpgcheck is set to no
# - for zypper the option gpgcheck is set to 0
visual_studio_code_gpgcheck: true

# skip task to add repo for remote package manager
# if set to true, the task 'install VS Code repo (apt/yum/dnf/zypper)' will be skipped
# if set to false, the repo will be added, this is the default
visual_studio_code_skip_add_repo: false

# Users to install extensions for and/or write settings.json
users: []

Users are configured as follows:

  - username: # Unix user name
      - # extension 1
      - # extension 2
    visual_studio_code_settings_overwrite: # Overwrite the settings file if it exists. Options: boolean "true" or "false" (defaults to "false").
    visual_studio_code_settings: # JSON object
    visual_studio_code_keybindings_overwrite: # Overwrite the keybindings file if it exists. Options: boolean "true" or "false" (defaults to "false").
    visual_studio_code_keybindings: # JSON array

Example Playbooks

Minimal playbook:

- hosts: servers
    - role: gantsign.visual-studio-code

Playbook with extensions installed that overwrites settings and keybindings:

- hosts: servers
    - role: gantsign.visual-studio-code
        - username: vagrant
            - streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
            - wholroyd.jinja
            - ms-python.python
          visual_studio_code_settings_overwrite: true
          visual_studio_code_settings: {
            "editor.rulers": [80, 100, 120],
            "editor.renderWhitespace": true,
            "files.associations": {
              "Vagrantfile": "ruby"
          visual_studio_code_keybindings_overwrite: true
          visual_studio_code_keybindings: [
              "key":     "ctrl+'",
              "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus"
              "key":     "ctrl+'",
              "command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup",
              "when":    "terminalFocus"

More Roles From GantSign

You can find more roles from GantSign on Ansible Galaxy.

Development & Testing

This project uses the following tooling:

  • Molecule for orchestrating test scenarios
  • Testinfra for testing the changes on the remote
  • pytest the testing framework
  • Tox manages Python virtual environments for linting and testing
  • pip-tools for managing dependencies

A Visual Studio Code Dev Container is provided for developing and testing this role.



Author Information

John Freeman

GantSign Ltd. Company No. 06109112 (registered in England)


Role for installing the Visual Studio Code IDE.

ansible-galaxy install gantsign/ansible-role-visual-studio-code
GitHub repository