Installs kubectl command line utility used to interact with the Kubernetes API Server.
I tag every release and try to stay with semantic versioning. If you want to use the role I recommend to checkout the latest tag. The master branch is basically development while the tags mark stable releases. But in general I try to keep master in good shape too. A tag 23.0.2+1.28.5
means this is release 23.0.2
of this role and kubectl
client binary version is 1.28.5
. If the role itself changes X.Y.Z
before +
will increase. If the Kubernetes version changes X.Y.Z
after +
will increase. This allows to tag bugfixes and new major versions of the role while it's still developed for a specific Kubernetes release.
Role Variables
# "kubectl" version to install
kubectl_version: "1.29.3"
# The default "binary" will download "kubectl" as a binary file. This is
# about 2.5x bigger then the ".tar.gz" file. The tarball needs to be unarchived
# by the role first after downloading and is smaller.
# If you specify "binary" the "kubectl" binary file will be downloaded. In
# contrast to the tarball the binary file is about 2.5x bigger but doesn't
# need to be unarchived by this role.
# If download file size is important for you (e.g. slow download or download
# over mobile link) stay with "archive". Otherwise "binary" might be an option.
kubectl_download_filetype: "binary"
# SHA512 checksum of the "kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz" file
# (see
kubectl_checksum_archive: "sha512:c9cc7ab9e3aa776f2daab3a9e10ee78d57d0c081ef43f8032de36a61c6425ba527d5df92611b058672be0975a6b97ad3f3a169e282c26275d2c0e59e1f9b1173"
# SHA512 checksum of the binary. There is normally no need to change it.
# Further information:
# -
# -
kubectl_checksum_binary: "sha512:{{ kubectl_version }}/bin/{{ kubectl_os }}/{{ kubectl_arch }}/kubectl.sha512"
# Where to install "kubectl" binary
kubectl_bin_directory: "/usr/local/bin"
# Directory to store the kubectl archive
kubectl_tmp_directory: "{{ lookup('env', 'TMPDIR') | default('/tmp', true) }}"
# Owner of "kubectl" binary
kubectl_owner: "root"
# Group of "kubectl" binary
kubectl_group: "root"
# Specifies the permissions of the "kubectl" binary
kubectl_binary_mode: "0755"
# Operating system on which "kubectl" should run on
kubectl_os: "linux" # use "darwin" for MacOS X, "windows" for Windows
# Processor architecture "kubectl" should run on
kubectl_arch: "amd64" # other possible values: "386","arm64","arm","ppc64le","s390x"
This role has a small test setup that is created using molecule. To run the tests follow the molecule install guide. Also ensure that a Docker daemon runs on your machine.
Assuming Docker is already installed you need at least two Python packages:
pip3 install --user molecule
pip3 install --user molecule-docker
Afterwards molecule can be executed:
molecule converge
This will setup a few Docker container with Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 and Debian 11/12 with kubectl
installed. To verify if everything worked:
molecule verify
To clean up run
molecule destroy
Example Playbook
- hosts: your-host
- githubixx.kubectl
Author Information
Installs kubectl command line utility used to interact with the Kubernetes API Server.
ansible-galaxy install githubixx.kubectl