
Ansible Role: zoom

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Ansible role that installs the Zoom client on Linux.

Beta Warning

This role is currently in beta and is not intended for production use. Breaking changes may occur between releases, so please make sure to read the release notes.


This role depends on certain collections that are not included in ansible-core.

To install this role's requirements, create a requirements.yml file with the following contents:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Maxwell G (@gotmax23)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
  - name: community.general

Then, if you are using ansible-base/ansible-core 2.10 or later, run this command.

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

If you are still using Ansible 2.9, run this command, instead.

ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

Role Variables

Here are this role's variables and their default values, as set in defaults/main.yml. If you'd like, you may change them to customize this role's behavior.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Maxwell G (@gotmax23)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Options:
# - `present` ensures that Zoom is installed.
# - `absent` ensures that Zoom is not installed.
zoom_state: present

# This option dictates whether to check zoom's rpm key fingerprint.
zoom_check_rpm_key: true

# This variable dictates where this role will download the Zoom pacman pkg archive.
# This only applies to Archlinux.
zoom_pacman_pkg_download_dir: /opt

Example Playbook

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Maxwell G (@gotmax23)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
- name: Install zoom
  hosts: all
  become: true

    - name: Update apt cache
      when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "apt"
        update_cache: true
        cache_valid_time: 3600

    - name: Install zoom
        name: "gotmax23.zoom"


This role is tested using the latest version of ansible-core and the latest version of the collections from Ansible Galaxy. This is the only version of Ansible that this role officially supports. Best effort support is provided for other versions.

This role is compatible with the following distros:

distro versions
Archlinux any
Debian buster, bullseye, bookworm
EL 7, 8
Fedora 34, 35, 36
opensuse 15.3, tumbleweed
Ubuntu bionic, focal




Maxwell G (@gotmax23)


Ansible role that installs the Zoom client on Linux.

ansible-galaxy install gotmax23/ansible-role-zoom
GitHub repository
@gotmax:matrix.org | Fedora developer. Ansible Community Steering Committee member. Pythonista. | See my sr.ht profile for my current code.