Apache Storm Role
Install Apache Storm.
This role has been tested only with Ubuntu 16. Is not ensured that it will work with other systems.
Role Variables
Variables used in this role:
zk_version: "3.6.2"
zk_download_mirror: ""
zk_system_user_name: zookeeper
zk_system_group_name: zookeeper
storm_download_mirror: ""
storm_version: "2.2.0"
num_supervisors: 1
storm_type_of_node: front # front or wn
storm_system_user_name: storm
storm_system_group_name: storm
Example Playbook
- hosts: server
- { role: 'grycap.storm' }
Contributing to the role
In order to keep the code clean, pushing changes to the master branch has been disabled. If you want to contribute, you have to create a branch, upload your changes and then create a pull request.