
Ansible Role: Restic


An Ansible role that installs restic on Linux & FreeBSD.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

restic_version: '0.15.1'
restic_install_path: '/usr/local/bin'
restic_password_file_path: '/root'
restic_discard_cron_stdout: false

restic_user: root
restic_group: "{{ restic_user }}"
  • restic_version specifies version of the restic binary that should be installed. It's matched against GitHub repository where the releases are announced for downloading.
  • restic_install_path provides path where the restic binary should be available from (/usr/local/bin is exported by default as part of $PATH). It's also the same path that is used by the wrapper script that is doing the actual backup execution where the name is constructed as $restic_install_path/restic-$job_name (more on that later).
  • restic_password_file_path provides path to the folder in which password files for restic repositories should be stored. Each file is constructed as $restic_password_file_path/.restic-@job_name. Those files are hidden (hence . in front of the file) by default and are restricted to the restic_ user and restic_group for read-only access. These, by default, are root, but it can be overriden and any valid/already present user can be used. In such case proper capabilities are going to be ensured for this user.
restic_discard_cron_stdout: false

Defines whether the cronjob output should be directed to /dev/null or not (it will send e-mail on each execution if this is set to false).

restic_prometheus_exporter: true
restic_prometheus_output_path: /var/lib/node_exporter/textfile_collector

It enables very simple Prometheus integration that is going to write three values to the default textfile collector location. Please note that enabling support for this is going to install/require two additional dependencies: jq and moreutils (for sponge).

restic_repos: []

This defines an array of restic jobs. Each defined job will create a separate wrapper script and a password file. Examples can be found in defaults/main.yml.



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
     - hadret.restic


This role builds on the shoulders of donat-b/ansible-restic and paulfantom/ansible-restic. All of the molecule tests and CI configuration are based on work of geerlingguy. A lot of parts for the Prometheus integration had been taken directly from this Restic forum thread.



Author Information

This role was somewhat assembled in 2018 by Filip Chabik.


Restic installation for Linux & FreeBSD.

ansible-galaxy install hadret.restic
GitHub repository
Vegetarian, skeptic & Linux SysAdmin (: