
Ansible Role: Research Software Directory (RSD-as-a-service)

CI status Ansible Role: hifis.unattended_upgrades Ansible Quality Score Ansible Role Downloads DOI

Setting up the Research Software Directory using Ansible.

Currently supported platforms are:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS


Role Variables

  • rsd_dependencies
    • Default: ["docker", "docker-compose"]
    • Description: List of required python modules.
  • rsd_working_directory
    • Default: "/opt/rsd"
    • Description: The path where the RSD repository will be checked out.
  • rsd_version
    • Default: "latest"
    • Description: What version of the RSD-as-a-service container images to deploy (image tag name). If latest is used the container images will always be pulled prior starting the application.
  • rsd_container_registry_path
    • Default: ""
    • Description: Path to the container registry from where the images are pulled.
  • rsd_environment_file
    • Default: "rsd-secrets.env"
    • Description: Inventory specific environment file.
  • rsd_docker_compose_cmd
    • Default: "docker-compose"
    • Description: Docker Compose command used to validate docker-compose.yml.
  • rsd_docker_compose_template_file
    • Default: "docker-compose.yml.j2"
    • Description: Template file for docker-compose.yml.
  • rsd_nginx_config_template
    • Default: "nginx.conf.j2"
    • Description: Template file for Nginx configuration.
  • rsd_tls_cert_path
    • Default: "/etc/ssl/certs/rsd.pem"
    • Description: Absolute destination path for TLS certificate file.
  • rsd_tls_key_path
    • Default: "/etc/ssl/private/rsd.key"
    • Description: Absolute destination path for TLS key file.
  • rsd_nginx_dhparam_file_path
    • Default: "/etc/ssl/private/dhparam.pem"
    • Description: Absolute destination path for DH parameters file.
  • rsd_swagger_enabled
    • Default: false
    • Description: Whether Swagger is enabled or not.
  • rsd_swagger_version
    • Default: v4.15.0
    • Description: version of of the Docker image swaggerapi/swagger-ui.
  • rsd_prune_volumes
    • Default: false
    • Description: Set to true to remove docker data volumes (this will force container recreation).
  • rsd_migrate_spotlights
    • Default: false
    • Description: Set to true to migrate the software spotlights from into the RSD (Helmholtz theme only).
  • rsd_spotlight_migration_image
    • Default: ""
    • Description: Container image for software spotlights migration

RSD Env Variables

  • rsd_compose_project_name
    • Default: "rsd"
    • Description: Define the Compose project name, if you are running different versions of the RSD.
  • rsd_domain
    • Default: "localhost"
    • Description: Domain name under which the RSD should be accessible.
  • rsd_auth_providers
    • Description: Semicolon-separated list of supported OpenID auth providers.
  • rsd_admin_email_list
    • Default: None
    • Description: Semicolon-separated list of user email addresses (exact match incl. the letter casing) of RSD admins.
  • rsd_auth_user_mail_whitelist
    • Default: None
    • Description: Semicolon-separated list of user email addresses which are allowed to log into the RSD.
  • rsd_hgfaai_client_id
    • Default: "rsd-dev"
    • Description: Public Helmholtz AAI client ID.
  • rsd_hgfaai_client_secret
    • Default: "changeme"
    • Description: Helmholtz AAI client secret.
  • rsd_hgfaai_well_known_url
    • Default: ""
    • Description: Helmholtz AAI well known URL.
  • rsd_hgfaai_allow_external_users
    • Default: false
    • Description: Set to true to allow users from non-Helmholtz centres or social IdPs.
  • rsd_postgres_db_host
    • Default: "database"
    • Description: Postgres database hostname.
  • rsd_postgres_db_host_port
    • Default: "5432"
    • Description: Postgres database host port.
  • rsd_postgres_db
    • Default: "rsd-db"
    • Description: Postgres database name.
  • rsd_postgres_user
    • Default: "rsd"
    • Description: Postgres user name.
  • rsd_postgres_password
    • Default: "changeme"
    • Description: Postgres password.
  • rsd_postgres_authenticator_password
    • Default: "ChangeMe"
    • Description: Postgres authenticator password used by the backend (should be different from rsd_postgres_password).
  • rsd_max_requests_github
    • Default: "6"
    • Description: Maximum number of requests to the GitHub API per run.
  • rsd_max_requests_gitlab
    • Default: "6"
    • Description: Maximum number of requests to the GitLab API per run.
  • rsd_max_requests_doi
    • Default: "6"
    • Description: Maximum number of mentions to scrape per run.
  • rsd_oaipmh_scraper_enabled
    • Default: false
    • Description: Set to true to enable the oaipmh scraper.
  • rsd_surfconext_client_secret
    • Default: "changeme"
    • Description: SurfConext client secret.
  • rsd_gh_access_token
    • Default: "changeme"
    • Description: GitHub personal access token.
  • rsd_jwt_secret
    • Default: "changemeChangemeChangemeChangeme"
    • Description: JSON web token secret with at least 32 characters to generate/verify tokens.
  • rsd_zenodo_access_token
    • Default: "changeme"
    • Description: Zenodo access token.
  • rsd_crossref_contact_email
    • Default: ""
    • Description: Email address that Crossref can contact you with to comply with their "polite" policy.
  • rsd_matomo_url
    • Default: ""
    • Description: Tracking URL (should end with a trailing slash)
  • rsd_matomo_id
    • Default: ""
    • Description: Matomo ID for the corresponding tracking URL


The Research Software Directory requires docker and docker-compose to be available on the system. This role has been successfully used together with the following Ansible roles:

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: hifis.rsd }



Author Information

This role was created by HIFIS Software Services.


We would like to thank and give credits to the following contributors of this project:


Set up the Research Software Directory (RSD-as-a-service)

ansible-galaxy install hifis-net/ansible-role-rsd
GitHub repository
Helmholtz Digital Services for Science — Collaboration made easy.