
.. _section-role-util-inspector:

Role util_inspector

.. note::

This documentation page and role itself is still work in progress.
  • Ansible Galaxy page <https://galaxy.ansible.com/honzamach/util_inspector>__
  • GitHub repository <https://github.com/honzamach/ansible-role-util_inspector>__
  • Travis CI page <https://travis-ci.org/honzamach/ansible-role-util_inspector>__

Ansible role for inspecting target systems and generating inventory documentation.

Currently following documentation sections are generated:

  • Inventory - Overview of all your managed servers with most important parameters displayed neatly in table and with links to server detail pages.
  • Users - Overview of all your users with links to user detail pages.
  • ** Monitoring** - Overview of monitoring setup of your servers.

Table of Contents:

  • :ref:section-role-timesynced-installation
  • :ref:section-role-timesynced-usage
  • :ref:section-role-timesynced-variables
  • :ref:section-role-timesynced-author

This role is part of the MSMS <https://github.com/honzamach/msms>__ package. Some common features are documented in its :ref:manual <section-manual>.

.. _section-role-util-inspector-installation:


To install the role honzamach.util_inspector <https://galaxy.ansible.com/honzamach/util_inspector>__ from Ansible Galaxy <https://galaxy.ansible.com/>__ please use variation of following command::

ansible-galaxy install honzamach.util_inspector

To install the role directly from GitHub <https://github.com>__ by cloning the ansible-role-util-inspector <https://github.com/honzamach/ansible-role-util-inspector>__ repository please use variation of following command::

git clone https://github.com/honzamach/ansible-role-util-inspector.git honzamach.util_inspector

Currently the advantage of using direct Git cloning is the ability to easily update the role when new version comes out.

.. _section-role-util-inspector-usage:


Use attached role playbook file role_util_inspector.yml, there is no need for customizations.

Example usage::

# Run everything:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass --inventory inventory role_util_inspector.yml

.. _section-role-util-inspector-variables:

Configuration variables

Internal role variables

.. envvar:: hm_util_inspector__docs_dir

    Name of the directory to which to generate the documentation.

    * *Datatype:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"inventory/docs"``

.. envvar:: hm_util_inspector__groups_to_roles

    Mapping of group names to roles. This feature is used when generating server
    inventory detail page to provide links directly to roles, that are being applied
    to particular server.

    * *Datatype:* ``dictionary``
    * *Default:* (please see file ``defaults/main.yml`` for details)

.. _section-role-util-inspector-author:

Author and license

| *Copyright:* (C) since 2019 Honza Mach <[email protected]>
| *Author:* Honza Mach <[email protected]>
| Use of this role is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

Ansible role for inspecting target systems and generating documentation.

ansible-galaxy install honzamach/ansible-role-util-inspector
GitHub repository