eLan Manager for WHM servers
What is it
It's a tool that creates your private tool based on the data that you provide in your answer file.
What does this playbook do
If you install ansible on a linux machine, clone this project and run the following commands:cp managers.sample managers
ansible-playbook -i managers elanman.yaml
After a few minutes you will end up with the following playbook:
In ~/myelanman/
The layout and variables in the generated playbook are taken from:
If you cahnge ~/myelanman/answer.yaml (copied on first run to an empty directory) and re run the playbook command from this project,
The content of ~/myelanman/ will change accordinly.
Answer file structure
The configurable options are at:
The whole playbook is will be organized with the following guides:
- You define how your servers are organized in brands, regions, roles and logical groups
- In the answer file there are configuration sections like firewall ports
- In the sections there are configuration objects like 'tcp in ports'
- For each object there are several possible values like '22,80,443' and '22,53,2087'
- The values are assigned to brands, regions roles and logical groups
using the data
main vars, templates and tasks in the target playbook are generated with the relevant values for each group
ansible-galaxy install ilanh/elanman