
Ansible Role: Utils

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This role installs some must-have utilities. Have several lists inside, so you can enable or disable anything you want.

The list of basic utilities includes:
  • command-not-found: suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions Not available on CentOS
  • dstat: tool for generating system resource statistics
  • htop: interactive process viewer for Linux
  • atop: another interactive process viewer for Linux
  • smem: provides numerous reports on memory usage
  • unzip: tool to unpack zip archives
  • zip: tool to pack zip archives
  • gzip: tool to work wih gzip archives
  • bzip2: tool to work wih bzip2 archives
  • nano: basic text editor
  • vim: advanced text editor Failed on CentOS 5 (already installed as vi)
  • git: git distributed version control system, mainly to work with github.com
  • bash-completion: Bash command line autocompletion, like in Ubuntu (Added for RedHat playbook only).
The list of network utilities includes:
  • curl: command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
  • iftop: display bandwidth usage on an interface
  • mtr: a network diagnostic tool
  • tshark: dump and analyze network traffic
  • nmap: Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Hacking
  • wget: Download manager
  • telnet: This is telnet
The list of file system utilities includes:
  • iotop: display io usage on behalf of which process on an interface
  • ncdu: interactive console disk usage visualizer
  • lsof: list open files
  • tree: recursive directory listing program
  • mc: old file manager
The list of developer utilities includes:
  • pstack: attaches to the active processes named by the pids on the command line , and prints out an execution stack trace
  • strace: trace system calls and signals
  • ltrace: library call tracer
The list of backward compatibility in CentOS7
  • net-tools: add ipconfig command to CentOs7


  • CentOS
  • RedHat
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu


No requiments yet.

Role Variables

# Role behavior:
utils_install_basic: True               # If set to true role will install basic tools list.
utils_install_network: True             # If set to true role will install network tools list.
utils_install_filesystem: True          # If set to true role will install file system tools list.
utils_install_dev: False                # If set to true role will install developer tools list.
utils_install_redhat7_system: True      # If set to true role will install list of some old packages from CentOS 6 for CentOS 7
utils_install_user: True                # If set to true role will install list of user configured packages

# Role lists:
utils_list_basic: []                    # Placeholder for list item. Look at vars/main.yml
utils_list_network: []                  # Placeholder for list item. Look at vars/main.yml
utils_list_filesystem: []               # Placeholder for list item. Look at vars/main.yml
utils_list_dev: []                      # Placeholder for list item. Look at vars/main.yml
utils_list_redhat7_system: []           # Placeholder for list item. Look at vars/main.yml
utils_list_user: []                     # Placeholder for list item. Look at vars/main.yml

# Apt behavior:
utils_update_cache: True                # If set to true role will update application cache before execution.
utils_upgrade_software: True            # If set to true role will upgrade installed soft
utils_cache_valid: "3600"               # How long cache will be valid after update.
utils_upgrade_type: "safe"              # Default upgrade type. You can use:
                                        # If yes or safe, performs an aptitude safe-upgrade
                                        # If full, performs an aptitude full-upgrade
                                        # If dist, performs an apt-get dist-upgrade


Independent role.

Example Playbook

This role execution can take a lot of time. It is recommended to use free ansible playbook strategy if possible.

- hosts: localhost
  strategy: free
    - { role: insspb.utils }

Development information

This role is developed with community help. Process of development follows this rule:

  • You are free to add any pool request to develop branch. All request will be answered in timely manner.
  • If you want to made any contribution, but do not know where to start - check issues.
  • Master branch updated just after significant changes in develop.
  • Please include documentation for new features.
  • Please use variables.
  • Please do not forget to set defaults.
  • Please do your best to keep backward compatibility if possible.
  • Please use packet installation as default software installation method. Source installation must be optional anywhere if possible.
  • Please use official software developers repositories instead of general Debian/Ubuntu/Centos etc.
  • Do you best to keep role independent from any other roles. User must have the way to choose what roles to use.



Author Information

This role is contributed and maintained by Andrey Shpak. I am always available for hire.


Installs some must-have utilities. Have several lists inside, so you can disable anything you want.

ansible-galaxy install insspb/ansible-role-utils
GitHub repository
DevOps, Python developer, Sailor.