

Build Status GitHub tag Ansible Role

Clone itnok-term GitHub repo in user's $HOME and configure the account to use it.

Steps performed are:

  • Using role itnok.manage_pkg_ubuntu:
    • Make sure git, vim, tmux, xclip, vim-gtk, dconf-cli, alacritty, emacs-nox, python3-pip and python3-psutil packages are installed
  • Make sure ~/.ssh directory exists
  • Install provided deploy key for itnok-term
  • Make sure ~/.custom directory exists
  • Clone itnok-term repository in ~/.custom
  • Install NVM v0.35.3 & Node.js v12.16.2
  • Install Powerline modules
  • Create symbolic links for all needed files in $HOME (:warning: it OVERWRITES data eventually present!)
  • Add custom Gnome Terminal profile
  • Read current list of Gnome Terminal profiles
  • Create new list of Gnome Trminal profiles adding the one from itnok-term
  • Make itnok-term profile the default for Gnome Terminal

:exclamation: Requirements


:abcd: Role Variables

Variable Description Default Value
config_itnokterm_gterm_profile_uuid Gnome Terminal UUID to use as default 1311470c-c450-1073-773b-e11ee50de666
config_itnokterm_git_deploy_key GitHub deploy key to use (itnok-term is private) None
config_itnokterm_user User to configure on the target Ubuntu system root
config_itnokterm Version/branch of itnok-term to install master

To install dependencies use:

    $ ansible-galaxy install <>

Installation of the required Ansible Roles can also be simply addressed with:

    $ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

:notebook: Example Playbook

Here an example of how to use this role in your playbooks:

- hosts: servers
  remote_user: ubuntu   # optional (your remote user)
  gather_facts: yes     # optional
  become: yes

    - { role: itnok.config_itnokterm_ubuntu }

    config_itnokterm_user: "ubuntu"
    config_itnokterm_git_deploy_key: "<SOME_LONG_STRING_FROM_YOUR_VAULT_HERE>"
    config_itnokterm: "master"

:guardsman: License

MIT (read more)


Clone itnok-term GitHub repo in user's $HOME and configure the account to use it.

ansible-galaxy install itnok/ansible-role-config-itnokterm-ubuntu
GitHub repository