

This role extends core Asterisk deployment configured by ivansible.ast_core for work in a small office with a few SIP phones and several accounts registered on a single SIP gateway provider.



Role Variables

Some variables are inherited from the ast_base role, see them in the Dependencies section. Role-specific variables are listed below, along with default values.

ast_soho_gateway_alias: gateway
ast_soho_phones_alias: phones

Aliases are used in many places in this role to produce full names of generated dialplan contexts, rule-sets, SIP peer groups and ACL rules for gateway and phones.

ast_soho_gateway_codecs: 'g729,g722,ulaw,alaw'
ast_soho_phones_codecs: 'g729,g722,ulaw,alaw'

These are just comma-separated lists of Asterisk codec modules allowed for gateway provider and phones in order of preference.


A list of provider host names. Incoming calls from provider will be accepted from all these hosts. Outgoing calls will be placed through the first host in the list (via a specific account).


As a security measure, we not only check provider host name in incoming INVITE requests, but also limit allowed IP ranges. A dedicated ACL rule will be configured in Asterisk from this white list of IP networks.

  - name: gw-account1
    username: 4215
    password: secret1
    active: true
  - name: gw-account2
    username: 4216
    password: secret2
    active: false

A list of account credentials for placing outgoing calls through provider. Each account can be connected with a few phones in the ast_soho_phones list. Outgoing calls from a phone will placed via the connected account. Incoming calls from provider account will ring all connected phones until one of them answers. Only active accounts will be configured.

For security reasons, you should go to the provider website and limit accepted IPs for these accounts by the IP address of your Asterisk host.

Please note that we dont't register with gateway provider to accept incoming calls. You should manually configure the accounts on provider website so that when gateway calls us back, it provides a callback extension with specific account name in the SIP URL, like [email protected] or [email protected]. All incoming calls will land in a dialplan context generated right for that.

  - name: phone1
    password: secret
    exten: 101
    gateway: account1
    active: true

Each SIP phone will have a SIP peer configured in Asterisk with name for username and password for specific secret. The gateway field should point to an existing gateway account name from the list above.

All phones can reach each other via exten extension numbers.

For convenience, phones can make outgoing calls through any configured account, not only the associated one, by prefixing the number with exten*, where exten is extension of the phone via whose provider we are placing the call. For example, if a phone with extension 123 has associated gateway account account3, then any other phone can make a call to extension 123*7495613, and this call will routed via account3 to the number 7495613 on gateway.

  - ; My Local Network

Most SIP phones on the market do not support TLS yet, so this role has to enable less secure TCP/UDP SIP access. To improve security, you should limit accepted IP ranges allowed to login. This role will generate a white-list ACL for SIP phones Entries in the list are IP ranges of the form "ip.address/prefix". Entries that start from semicolon ; are comments.

ast_soho_gateway_billing_exten: ""

Many VOIP providers have a specific extension associated with accounts. A call to this extension activates a simple voice attendant, which tells remaining account balance or tariff details.

If this setting is a non-empty string, calls from our sip-phones to a predefined extension *100# will redirect to the provider billing extension via associated account.

For convenience, phones can reach billing information of each other by dialing a short *exten# extension. For example, dialing *123# will route to the billing extension of the gateway account associated with a phone on extension 123.

  - name: my close friend
    exten: 111
    number: +1-212-123-4567

Also you can add a few short numbers to the dialplan. Please note that calls to quick numbers will be placed through the first active gateway account.

Dialplan Notes

The asterisk_core could have added softphones to the Asterisk configuration. This role arranges dialplan contexts in such a way that all sip-phones can call softphones and softphones can call sip-phones. Both softphones and sip-phones will have access to the daytime service (extension 100). Also, softphones can make outgoing calls through gateway accounts by prefixing number with exten*, like sip-phones themselves.


  • ast_soho_all


This role inherits defaults and handlers from ivansible.ast_base.

List of inherited variables (only used variables are listed):

  • ast_experimental
  • ast_dialplan_hints
  • ast_default_language
  • ast_default_codecs
  • ast_qualify_value

List of inherited handlers:

  • restart asterisk service (not used)
  • reload asterisk service

Also this role depends on ivansible.ast_core, but this dependency is not recorded in meta information. You should explicitly include ast_core in your playbook before this role, as shown in the example below. This approach avoids repetitive execution of time-consuming base role, when several dependent roles are used.

Example Playbook

- hosts:
     - role: ivansible.ast_core
       ast_reset: true
       ast_softphones: []
     - role: ivansible.ast_soho
       ast_soho_gateway_billing_exten: "*105#"
         - name: account1
           username: 42115
           password: secret
         - name: phone1
           password: secret
           exten: 101
           gateway: account1
           active: true



Author Information

Created in 2018-2020 by IvanSible


Connect home office Asterisk with SIP phones and SIP gateway provider

ansible-galaxy install ivansible/ast-soho
GitHub repository
ivandeex ansible roles, molecule tests: