

Github Test Status Ansible Galaxy

This role installs rclone on linux, creates fuse wrapper for mount, configures remotes, adds fstab entries or systemd mount units and triggers systemd automounter. It also creates the rclone group for read-only access to rclone configuration and non-root mounts.




Available variables are listed below, along with default values.

lin_rclone_version: latest
lin_rclone_repo_owner: rclone
lin_rclone_upgrade: false

Set the rclone download location, allow to upgrade already installed binary.

lin_rclone_binary: /usr/bin/rclone
lin_rclone_config: /etc/rclone/rclone.conf

These two are rarely modified.

lin_rclone_allow_nonroot: false
lin_rclone_group_gid: 911

Ansible will create a unix group rclone with given Id. If allow_nonroot is true, the remote user will be added in the group and consequently will have read access to rclone configuration and non-root rclone mounts.

lin_rclone_idle_timeout: 900
lin_rclone_mount_timeout: 10
lin_rclone_vfs_cache_mode: writes
lin_rclone_dir_cache_time: 30s
lin_rclone_mount_verb: mount, cmount, mount2 or none

The settings configure a few specific mount options.

lin_rclone_bash_alias: true

Create command alias rc in user profile.

lin_rclone_mounts: []

List of mounts. Every mount is described by a dictionary explained below.

Mount Item

name: remote

The name of remote. Required.

path: /mnt/remote

Mount point. Required even if mount is no (it's then removed from fstab and systemd).

enabled: true

Optional boolean, defaults to true. If false, ansible will just skip this item.

config: |
  type = ...
  token = [TOKEN]

Plain-text remote section to be added in the rclone config file. The section may contain a special placeholder [TOKEN] (literally), which will be replaced by authorization for this remote.

token: '{json...}'

Optional string containg authorizatin token for this remote in free format. As this usually is a JSON dictionary, please wrap the string in single quotes to avoid problems with Ansible YAML parser.

reuse_token: false

This can be true, false, empty string or name of the section in rclone config. When this is false or empty string (the default), only the token configured above will be given to remote (if present). If this is true, ansible will look for a previous token in the config and prefer the one found. If non is found, ansible will fall back to the literal token above. The previous token is by default looked up in the same section as this remote name, but you can provide a custom section name instead of true here.

mount: true

Optional boolean. When true (the default), the mount will be added to fstab or systemd. When false, the mount entry will be removed (if found).

systemd: <depends on lin_rclone_prefer_systemd>

Optional boolean, defaults to lin_rclone_prefer_systemd. If true, a systemd unit will be created. If false, a fstab line will be added.

automount: false

Optional boolean, defaults to false. If true, the systemd automounter will be enabled for the corresponding fstab entry.

nonroot: false

Normally rclone mounts are only accessible to root. If nonroot is true, the mount will be read-only accessible by the members of group rclone.

bglog: false

If true, the background rclone process will dump a debugging log in /tmp.

proxy: proto://host:port

Optional proxy, protocol is one of http,https,socks,socks5.


  • lin_rclone_install -- install rclone
  • lin_rclone_wrapper -- create fuse wrapper for mount
  • lin_rclone_config -- add remotes in config file
  • lin_rclone_mounts -- create fstab/systemd entries and configure automount
  • lin_rclone_bashrc -- create bash alias for rclone
  • lin_rclone_docker_plugin -- setup rclone docker plugin
  • lin_rclone_all -- all of the above


This role pulls the reload systemd daemon handler from role ivansible.lin_base.

Example Playbook

- hosts: mystorage
     - role: ivansible.lin_rclone
       lin_rclone_allow_nonroot: true
       - name: box
         path: /mnt/box
         token: "my_box_token"
         reuse_token: another_box_section  # (or just true)
         automount: true
         nonroot: true
         config: |
           type = box
           token = [TOKEN]



Author Information

Created in 2019-2021 by IvanSible


install rclone on linux and create mounts

ansible-galaxy install ivansible/lin-rclone
GitHub repository
ivandeex ansible roles, molecule tests: