

Ansible Role Name Github Actions

This role will add a addtional Domain Controller to a existing Active Directory Domain/Forest. No hardening is applied.

Based of the work done by @jborean93 in jborean93/ansible-windows

Works on

  • Windows Server 2019

Not tested on

  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012R2


  • python3-winrm (pywinrm) is needed for WinRM.

Role Variables


Variable Description Default value
adc_administrator_username Setting this to Built-in Administrator account ensure that we know the password of NETBIOS\Administrator. 9/10 times you should leave this to the default value. Administrator
adc_administrator_password The password that will be used to connect to AD. P@ssw0rd!
adc_dns_nics The name of the ethernet adapter to setup DNS on. Defaults to wildcard. 9/10 times you should leave this to the default value. *
adc_dns_servers The DNS server to use on adc_dns_nics. Defaults to {{ ansible_host }}. You should change this to ["ip.of.pdc", ""]. {{ ansible_host }}
adc_domain The domain to join ad.example.test
adc_domain_safe_mode_password The DSRM password of this DC P@ssw0rd!
adc_required_psmodules PowerShell/DSC modules to install from the PSGallery. [xPSDesiredStateConfiguration, NetworkingDsc, ComputerManagementDsc, ActiveDirectoryDsc]
adc_required_features Windows Features that should be installed on the Domain Controller. ["AD-domain-services", "DNS"]
adc_desired_dns_forwarders The desired DNS Forwarders for the DC ["", ""]
adc_state The state of the DC domain_controller
adc_install_dns If DNS should be installed yes
adc_read_only If this DC should be a RODC no
adc_database_path Install location of the AD database "%SYSTEMROOT%\NTDS"
adc_domain_log_path Install location of the AD database logs "%SYSTEMROOT%\NTDS"
adc_sysvol_path Install location of the AD SYSVOL "%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSVOL"


  • WinRM on the windows host should configured for Ansible.
  • justin_p.posh5
  • justin_p.wincom

Example Playbook

- hosts: secondary_domain_controller
    - role: justin_p.posh5
    - role: justin_p.wincom
    - role: justin_p.adc

See for an example inventory.

Local Development

This role includes a Vagrantfile that will spin up a local Windows Server 2019 VM in Virtualbox.
After creating the VM it will automatically run our role.

Development requirements

pip3 install pywinrm


  • Run vagrant up to create a VM and run our role.
  • Run vagrant provision to reapply our role.
  • Run vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up to recreate the VM and run our role.
  • Run vagrant destroy to remove the VM.




  • Justin Perdok (@justin-p), Orange Cyberdefense


Feel free to open issues, contribute and submit your Pull Requests. You can also ping me on Twitter (@JustinPerdok).


Setup a Additional Domain Controller in a existing Active Directory.

ansible-galaxy install justin-p/ansible-role-adc
GitHub repository
IT Geek, Ethical Hacker, DevOps Nut, PowerShell Fanatic and lover of beers :beers: