

This role is deprecated in favor of checkmk_agent which is a rebuild using better practices and naming conventions. No further updates will be made to this repository/role.

An Ansible Role to install the agent/client for Check_MK RAW.

All tasks are tagged with install-check-mk-agent.

This role utilizes SSH on Unix-type systems instead of the default port 6556. This encrypts communications and avoids opening a new port for monitoring and setting up a new service.

Tested manually with the Ansible Role Test Shim Script from Jeff Geerling on the following distributions:

The following operating systems are also supported and tested manually:


Requirements on host that executes role:

  • groupadd
  • groupdel
  • groupmod

Requirements on host that executes role with APT:

  • python-apt (python 2)
  • python3-apt (python 3)
  • aptitude (before 2.4)

Requirements on host that executes role with YUM:

  • yum

If the server is Windows and has a firewall enabled, it may need to be altered to allow incoming packets on TCP port 6556.

Role Variables


Variable Description Value
install_check_mk_agent_prereqs List of packages to install before configuring agent sudo
install_check_mk_agent_user Name of user to configure cmkagent
install_check_mk_agent_home Home folder of configured user "/home/{{ install_check_mk_agent_user }}"
install_check_mk_agent_count_users_warn Logged in users, warning threshold 10
install_check_mk_agent_count_users_crit Logged in users, critical threshold 15
install_check_mk_agent_count_zombie_procs_warn Zombie processes, warning threshold 5
install_check_mk_agent_count_zombie_procs_crit Zombie processes, critical threshold 10
install_check_mk_agent_freebsd_plugins List of active FreeBSD plugins []
install_check_mk_agent_local_checks List of active local checks count_users, count_zombie_procs
install_check_mk_agent_plugins List of active Linux plugins See NOTE A
install_check_mk_agent_win_tmp Temporary location of Windows installation file "c:\{{ install_check_mk_agent_win_filename }}"
install_check_mk_agent_win_filename Filename of Windows installation file check_mk_agent.msi
install_check_mk_agent_win_config Filename of Windows configuration template check_mk.example.ini.j2
install_check_mk_agent_win_folder Folder the agent gets installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\check_mk\
install_check_mk_agent_win_plugins List of active Windows plugins mk_inventory.vbs



  • lvm
  • mk_inventory.linux
  • mk_iptables
  • mk_nfsiostat
  • mk_sshd_config
  • netstat.linux
  • nfsexports
  • smart


This role depends on none other.

Example Playbook

Complete example:

- hosts: all
     - { role: install-check_mk-agent, install_check_mk_agent_user: agent }


GNU General Public License version 2

Author Information

Chris Lindbergh @kso512

ansible-galaxy install kso512/install-check_mk-agent
GitHub repository