

This role is deprecated in favor of checkmk_server which is a rebuild using better practices and naming conventions. No further updates will be made to this repository/role.

An Ansible Role to install Check_MK RAW and set up an initial site.

All tasks are tagged with install-check-mk-server.

I do NOT recommend the default configuration for unprotected connection directly to the Internet, as the server configuration includes unencrypted HTTP access.

Tested manually with the Ansible Role Test Shim Script from Jeff Geerling on the following distributions:


Required on host that executes role with APT:

  • python-apt (python 2)
  • python3-apt (python 3)

Required on host that executes role with YUM:

  • EPEL
  • yum
  • perl-Net-SNMP (minimal CentOS7)

If the server has a firewall enabled, it may need to be altered to allow incoming packets on TCP port 80 for the web portal access, and/or TCP port 514, plus UDP ports 162 & 514 for event console input.

As with any modern Linux deployment, SELinux may come into play.

To fulfill these requirements, I recommend using another Ansible Role. For example, this role from Jeff Geerling may be used to handle EPEL if needed.

Role Variables

To enable multi-distro support, the role defines distro-specific variables with the include_vars and with_first_found mechanisms.


Variable Description Value
install_check_mk_server_adminpw Optional password for cmkadmin user undefined
install_check_mk_server_build Build number included in RPM source filename 38
install_check_mk_server_key_url URL of Check_MK GPG key file to download https://download.checkmk.com/checkmk/Check_MK-pubkey.gpg
install_check_mk_server_prereqs List of packages to install before installing Check_MK RAW apache2 apt-utils cron dpkg-sig python-passlib
install_check_mk_server_site Name of initial Check_MK RAW 'site' to provision test
install_check_mk_server_source Filename of the installation source check-mk-raw-{{ install_check_mk_server_version }}_0.{{ ansible_distribution_release }}_amd64.deb
install_check_mk_server_source_url URL of Check_MK RAW installation file to download https://download.checkmk.com/checkmk/{{ install_check_mk_server_version }}/{{ install_check_mk_server_source }}
install_check_mk_server_version Version of Check_MK RAW to install 2.0.0p9
install_check_mk_server_web_service Name of the Apache2 service to control apache2

CentOS Distro Overrides

Variable Description Value
install_check_mk_server_prereqs List of packages to install before installing Check_MK RAW cronie python-passlib
install_check_mk_server_source Filename of the installation source check-mk-raw-{{ install_check_mk_server_version }}-el{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}-{{ install_check_mk_server_build }}.x86_64.rpm
install_check_mk_server_web_service Name of the Apache2 service to control httpd

CentOS 8 Distro Overrides

Variable Description Value
install_check_mk_server_prereqs List of packages to install before installing Check_MK RAW cronie python3-passlib graphviz-gd
install_check_mk_server_source Filename of the installation source check-mk-raw-{{ install_check_mk_server_version }}-el{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}-{{ install_check_mk_server_build }}.x86_64.rpm
install_check_mk_server_web_service Name of the Apache2 service to control httpd

Ubuntu 18.04 Distro Overrides

Variable Description Value
install_check_mk_server_prereqs List of packages to install before installing Check_MK RAW apache2 apt-utils aptitude cron dpkg-sig iproute2 libfl2 man python3-passlib rsync xz-utils


This role depends on none other.

Example Playbook

Complete example:

- hosts: monitoring-servers
     - { role: install-check_mk-server, install_check_mk_server_site: boom }


GNU General Public License version 2

Author Information

Chris Lindbergh @kso512 with contributions from Github users:

  • sylekta
  • timorunge
  • judouk
  • JWhy
ansible-galaxy install kso512.install-check_mk-server
GitHub repository