
Ansible Linux based Git role

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Ansible role used to install Git on Linux based Operating System. Installation ca be done from repository or from source

Supported Version

  • Git 1.9.x/2.x.y

Supported OS

  • CentOS 6/7
  • RedHat 6/7
  • Ubuntu Xenial/Bionic
  • Debian Jessie/Strech

Role variables

  • install_from_source: Specify whether installation is made from sour or from repository. Default value is true
  • v_major: Used in case of installation from source and define the GIT major version to install.
  • v_minor: Used in case of installation from source and define the GIT minor version to install.
  • v_patch: Used in case of installation from source and define the GIT patch version to install.
  • from_github: Used in case of installation from source and define whether the sources are downloaded from github or kernel repository. Default is true.
  • required_packages: Used in case of installation from source and define the package needed to be installed before build GIT from source. default are ['make', 'dh-autoreconf', 'curl-devel', 'expat-devel', 'gettext-devel', 'openssl-devel', 'perl-devel', 'zlib-devel', 'asciidoc', 'xmlto', 'docbook2X', 'gnu-getopt']
  • force_install: Used in case of installation from source and define whether or not force install in case of GIT already installed. Default value is true
  • install_doc: Used in case of installation from source and define whether or not build and install documentation. default value is false
  • install_doc: Used in case of installation from source and define whether or not build and install documentation
  • packages: Used in case of installation from repository (not from source) and define the list of package to be installed. default is git-all.
  • additionnal_repos: Used in case of installation from repository (not from source) and define the RedHat based additionnal repositories to enable when install GIT packages. default is Empty


  • Install Role ansible-galaxy install jetune.git
  • use in your playbook : case of install from repository
- hosts: all

   - role: jetune.git
      install_from_source: false
      git_additionnal_repos: ""
       - git-all
       - git-svn
  • use in your playbook : case of install from source
- hosts: all

   - role: jetune.git
      v_major: 2
      v_minor: 20
      v_patch: 0
      install_from_source: true
      from_github: true
      install_doc: false
      force_install: true
ansible-galaxy install kube-cloud/ansible-role-git
GitHub repository