Installs and configures the text editor neovim using the operating system's package manager.
Example Playbook
- hosts: localhost
- neovim
neovim_user_id: myusername
neovim_configuration: |
set number
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
- HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim
- name: mhartington/nvim-typescript
do: ./install.sh
Role Variables
The variables for configuring this role are:
# Name of the user for whom neovim shall be configured
# (This value defaults to the value "ansible_user_id")
neovim_user_id: ...
# Configuration of neovim (content of "init.vim")
neovim_configuration: |
# List of neovim plugins which shall be installed
- ...
: The neovim configuration can be read from a file using the file lookup plugin or from a template with the template lookup plugin:
neovim_configuration: "{{ lookup('file', 'my_neovim_configuration.vim') }}"
: When this list is not empty, vim-plug is installed and the necessary configuration for vim-plug is added.
Each item of this list is either a string and contains the name of the plugin or is an dictionary of the form { name: ..., options: ... }
containing the name of the plugin and additional options.
The options are the same as the options vim-plug offers.
Note: Currently only options are supported which does not contain the characters "
or '
You can find more variables for a more specialized configuration in defaults/main.yml
However, these variables might change in the future since they aren't considered part of the officially supported variables.
Dependencies and Requirements
This role has no dependencies or requirements.
To the extent possible under law, I waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this software stored under https://github.com/kulla/ansible-role-neovim. Thus, I publish this software under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. This software is published from Germany.
Author Information
The main author is Stephan Kulla.
ansible-galaxy install kulla.neovim